Anschutz laser power Ii rifle

For those who like shooting in the snow

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Anschutz laser power Ii rifle

Post by seamaster »

Has anyone use this laser rifle for biathlon training at home?
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Post by RonBott »

I've used on but don't own one. If you have younger children it might be a fun and safe way to get them interested, but if the intent is to use it to get better at shooting, I would think you would be better off with a conventional biathlon rifle and using it to dryfire indoors.
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Re: Anschutz laser power Ii rifle

Post by 2whlrcr »

I thought I would bring this thread to the top again. I see where Anschutz now has a laser rifle that looks very similar to the 1827 Fortner. Does anyone have one, or have experience shooting one? I'm looking for a possible alternative to dry fire for summer training. I'm in a situation where I can mountain bike or run right at home, but I cannot shoot live rounds. Not sure I want to go the air rifle route and I would like something as close to my current rifle as possible.

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Re: Anschutz laser power Ii rifle

Post by Shooterer »

8 years later....
Does anyone have more input on these training aids?
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Re: Anschutz laser power Ii rifle

Post by crasher »

Our club has 7 of the Ecoaims from Finland. They work great and provide a lot more feedback on shot placement. The small hand held display tells you where you hit an can track your barrel movement similar to a SCATT. I have yet to hook it up to a computer to see what additional information can be obtained.

With this system, we are able to bring it to the local groomed ski track where they make snow to hold practice for our Juniors. If you are in the Northeast and have kids in the BKL program, we will bringing them to the BKL Festival this year in Maine.
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Re: Anschutz laser power Ii rifle

Post by ShootingSight »

Aguila makes their Colibri round - no powder, just primer. Little 17gr bullet moves at 350 fps, so you can use a pellet trap. I used to go running, then shoot from my kitchen to the back wall of my living room. Not much louder than a hand clap.
Art Neergaard
ShootingSight LLC
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