New to Forum ... Anyone have .32 S&W long experience?

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Lee Sizing Die

Post by fc60 »

Greetings Oldcaster,

Measure the diameter of a case with your bullet seated and ask Lee to machine a sizing die that will size the brass 0.001" smaller. They have been most helpful to me in the past.

You may also wish to try an RCBS Taper Crimp die (Mine is part #20164). They use a four degree taper which is the same angle that Star used.


Dave Wilson
Posts: 617
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Location: Chesterfield Missouri

32 long taper crimp

Post by oldcaster »

I think I'll do that because at the very least it will work the brass less. I might try the taper crimp also because keeping brass seperate for the number of firings and then trimming in lots is a pain. I do it for my F class rifle and don't like it but at least it isn't so many pieces. Bill --
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