Introductions - I'm the new USA Shooting Jr Programs Manager

Hints and how to’s for coaches and junior shooters of all categories

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Introductions - I'm the new USA Shooting Jr Programs Manager

Post by 76Olympian »

I appologize for taking so long to get involved with Target Talk. I will be visiting the Youth Shooting Programs on a weekly basis providing some updates and opportunities from USAS....and answering questions..

If you need a timely reply to a question related to Olympic Junior shooting programs, contact me directly at or my phone 719-866-4889.

A couple of old posting caught my eye that I will provide a belated reply to:

- Junior Olympic 3 Postion Air Rifle National Championships
Because of limited USAS staff and budget, USAS has partnered with the CMP to host and run this JO National Championship at Camp Perry every year. This is a USAS junior program designed to introduce juniors to the Olympic shooting sports with the hopes that a few dedicated athletes (out of thousands who shoot 3PAR) will want to take their skills to the Olympic Games. Also, if some one can run it better than you can, you should partner with them and take advantage of their expertise...! We are extremely happy to have CMP as a partner.

- 4H/USA Shooting Passport program
Remember my comment above, "if some one can run it better than you can, you should partner with them". This is a very recent partnering opportunity with 4H National Supply Service. The only 4H clubs that know about this program are USAS affiliated clubs or by 'word or mouth'. By moving all the pins and passports to 4H National Supply Service, the Passport program will get much more visibility with ALL of the 4H clubs. I talked to Kelly Carpenter, 4H Merchandise Manager this morning and his warehouse and IT staff are working as fast as they can to get everything set up in the online store as soon as possible. Keep your eye on the 4H National Supply Service webpage. Pins/passports will be available soon.

Lastly, USAS is promoting Target Talk as 'THE' place to go to buy, sell, trade Olympic international guns and equipment, as well as the Forums. You can see the first Target Talk announcement on the front page if you go to It will be in our magazine starting this summer's issue. It will be mentioned in my articles in the future and other channels that I can find. We are doing this because we get calls from parents, juniors and club coaches wanting to know where to get used international equipment that doesn't cost a bunch of $$ and where to sell it when a junior loses interest.. hopefully not too often, but the reality is..

Looking forward to contributing to the Junior Program forum on Target Talk.

Mike Theimer
1976 Olymipian
Nine US National Championship titles
US Distinguished International Shooter badge #166
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu May 07, 2009 1:39 am
Location: CA

Welcome to your new post.

Post by HS »

Thank you for your efforts in developing young shooting athletes. I see you everywhere. USA Shooting begins connecting with local clubs and young shooters at a new level.
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