one shooter - pistol and rifle?

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one shooter - pistol and rifle?

Post by Greg »

I know it looks like a stupid question, but I read ISSF rules and cannot find if it is forbiden to shot BOTH pistol and rifle by the same shooter. I have been sure that it is not allowed for ISSF supervised competition, but cannot find any corresponding rule number. It does not exist in the ISSF rulebook or I am blind?
Pat McCoy
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Post by Pat McCoy »

Why would a person not be allowed to compete in both events? Often PTOs run two days, and a person could schedule relays for both rifle and pistol.(air)
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one shooter

Post by Finprof »

As luck would have it, today we had an air rifle, air pistol and free pistol match. At 10 AM we shot air pistol and air rifle. At 12:30 we shot free pistol and air pistol. Anyone who wanted could shoot rifle at 10 AM and pistol at 12:30.
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Re: one shooter - pistol and rifle?

Post by Spencer »

Greg wrote:...It does not exist in the ISSF rulebook or I am blind?
1/ you are not blind - it's not the rules, its the practicality (see #2)
2/ usually you will be best (i.e. put your training time) in one or the other
3/ consequently, the competition programme for an ISSF-sanctioned competition is not set out with cross discipline in mind: usually pistol shooters shoot pistol and rifle shoot rifle and shotgunners shoot shotgun. The programme is set up for a minimum number of days ($$$) and is unlikely to be changed for one shooter if he/she existed.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Many NGB's have that in their own rules I know the SFC in Canada has those rules in their athlete agreement.

Post by Greg »

Richard H wrote: Many NGB's have that in their own rules I know the SFC in Canada has those rules in their athlete agreement.

Indeed that is our case (Poland). National rules do not allow to shot both rifle and pistol. I was sure it comes from ISSF rules and tried to find it :-)

Thank you very much for showing I am not ill :-)
Mike M. (as guest)

Post by Mike M. (as guest) »

That's really odd...since in MLAIC competition, many competitors DO shoot mixed. Rifle and pistol are a common mix, as are rifle and shotgun. There are a very few who compete in both pistol and shotgun events.

Not that I do it myself...with five pistol events on my personal schedule (I don't shoot matchlock any longer), I'm booked solid.
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Post by jhmartin »

Here in the US at many major matches at the OTC we have 4 relays during the day
R1) Mens Air Rifle
R2) Mens Air Pistol
R3) Womens Air Rifle
R4) Womens Air Pistol

There are quite a few shooters that shoot both disciplines. Granted this range has 72(?) firing points
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

I'll clarify my statement, individuals can shoot in which ever matches they like in any disciplines. Our NGB does not allow an athlete to be on more than one National Team. My understanding is the OP was talking about elite level athletes shooting at the World Cup level on National teams.
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Post by Hemmers »

Yeah, there's no central rule against it AFAIK, but sponsoring bodies like NGBs are of course at liberty to demand that you specialise as a condition of them funding you and taking you to high-level competitions..

They're looking for medals, which in modern sport will usually be won by discipline specialists, not all-rounders.

Of course in national level events, then local rules apply.
Running a range costs money, so organisers go for maximum utilisation, which means an individual can't physically shoot everything, just their specialist subset, whether that's:
- Rifle (.22 & air)
- Pistol
- Clay pigeon
- Rifle (Running Deer & Boar)
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Yes at World Cups it would be very difficult to shot both rifle and pistol Disciplines as many are shot at the same time on different ranges.
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