Save money on Targets

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Antoni Scott
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Save money on Targets

Post by Antoni Scott »

Those inexpensive 10 meter targets are terrible when it comes to scoring, since many times the paper tears. The more expensive "tag" paper targets are much better because the pellet punches a clean hole making scoring much easier. But you can go through an lot of targets.

For those shooters that can at least get the pellet into the black, there is a way to save a whole lot of money on targets. If you take a used target with ten shots in the black and cut it into quarters, you have four squares all of which are larger than the bulls eye. I took a new target to Office Max and had them make a "transparency" of the target and then took that transparency to a place that makes rubber stamps. They made me a perfect stamp which allowed me to make four new bulls-eye's. I have made thousands of targets this way. Ink is really cheap. One full sized square target can get you five targets, the original plus the four new ones.
Antoni Scott
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Making targets

Post by Antoni Scott »

I forgot to mention in my last post about making four new targets from the original tag paper target, than you of course stamp the new bulls-eye on the blank side of the target.

Post by luftskytter- »

Targets are pretty cheap too :-)

50-100 targets for the price og a tin of pellets...

But I "discovered" that you can run! a target through a photocopier.
So if you make an original with four black zones and copy this onto the blank rear side of a normal target......

Photocopies on normal paper also "punch" much better if you back them up with a used "proper" target. You may offset this to distribute the wear.
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Post by Finprof »

I buy 110 pound card stock from an office supply store. It is about 12.00 for 250 sheets and then run them through a copier.
You can download almost any target that is available. The 10m pistol target works very well on 8 1/2 x 11. The rifle target loses the sighters, but you are practicing anyway.
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Post by Oz »

If you keep 'em in the black, try these. They are great. Many say that these are better than the Edelmann. I don't have enough experience to to compare, all I know is that it's a breeze scoring 10 shots all inside the 9 ring.


They slide into a holder, or you can take a regular target and cut two slits to slide it through.

1000 of those strips = 5000 targets for $38 EUR + shipping. When I bought mine, the exchange rate wasn't anywhere near as good as it is now... I think it was $76 total. It came out to be about a penny and a half per target.

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Brian M
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Post by Brian M »

Oz didn't mention what "These" were, or where to find them... this is the first I cam across:

The strips: ... 20bull.htm

And the holder: ... holder.htm

The strips are listed as $0.08 per and the holder is $2.25

There may be other places to buy, this was just the first I found.

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Post by Oz »

Brian M wrote:Oz didn't mention what "These" were, or where to find them...
Thanks Brian! Yes... I forgot a key piece of information, didn't I. Gold Medal is the US importer for Krueger targets ( and at the time I bought 'em, Gold Medal didn't didn't have them in stock, so I went direct to Krueger.

I'm happy to hear that Gold Medal has them in stock!

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Post by Ricardo »

Another thing that works is painting the back of a cheap target with a 50/50 mix of white glue and water. Lay flat to dry or hang-dry. Labor intensive, yes, but perhaps useful for groups with very limited funds and lots of kids, who may not whine so much about the work.
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Post by Freepistol »

I like everyone's ideas, however, I use a sub-6 hold so I need white below the bull; I can't use any of your methods. I also find that regular paper is too white and glares under my lighting.
I was just thinking tonight that I can recycle the old targets that I kept to admire by just changing my sights to hit point of impact and still use the sub-6 hold. The bullets will impact way below the bull, but will be in a group and I can make a dot the size of the 10 ring for reference where the pistol is sighted. By turning the target, I can get 4 more "bulls" on each used target.
I'll have to give it a try next week to see if it works.
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Post by Freepistol »

I came down 10 clicks {easy number to remember} and that put the impact in the 5 ring. Works for me!
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