Docter Optic Mount for 45

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Docter Optic Mount for 45

Post by Guest »

I have a Kimber Team Match II pistol, with a 22cal conversion kit. I am new to Bulls-eye and will be shooting it or a High Standard Supermatic with iron sights. My question is who makes a mount that will fit into the dovetail of the 1911 to hold my Docter Optic. I looked at Optics Planet and they told me that Docter Optics is out of business/production. Any help will be great
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Post by Isabel1130 »

Mark, you might want to consider going to a different optic for bullseye. The doctor is not popular because it can be hard to adjust quickly if you need to move a few clicks on the line. I don't know how the doctor mounts but I have tried a short picatinny rail in the dove tail of my 45 (used to hold an aimpoint micro and there were some issues. If you intend to use the gun for rimfire with the conversion CF, 45 without it you should know what the issues are and the differences between a frame mount and a slide mount optic system. Please feel free to PM me if you want to discuss these issues. Most people in bullseye use either the aimpoint or the ultra dots. I use both in bullseye and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Isabel
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Post by 6string »

Just to offer another point of view, I really like the Docter. Don Nygord brought this sight to my attention. It doesn't mess up the balance of the pistol like a tube style dot sight since it is much lighter and smaller. There are one or two other companies making a similar sight. Burris makes the FastFire sight which is available with several 1911 mounts, including Kimber.

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Post by TonyT »

I just orderd one from BME to fit the standard military rear sight cut.

Post by Guest »

If you already have the Docter Optic, the Burris Fastfire mounts will also hold the Docter Optic.

Another tip for Docter users; using two 2016 batteries instead of a single 2032 will make the dot actually bright enough for use!! It takes a little finagling, but is very do-able. No loss in life for the Docter either that I can tell.

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