Breath Control for Time & Rapid Fire relays

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Mass Shooter
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Breath Control for Time & Rapid Fire relays

Post by Mass Shooter »

What is your breathing technique while setting up for a Timed-Fire or Rapid-Fire relay?

Take in large breath and let half out? ... Take in half breath and hold? ... Take in full lung capacity and hold?

What have you found works best for you for sustaining 5 shots in 20 seconds?

I've been practicing various breathing technique in this area for bullseye shooting with .22 rimfire ..... How do coaches discuss this with their students?


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Post by jackh »

What's a coach?

I would say it's a personal thing, for what works and what is comfortable. I prep prior to raise with a couple deep breaths. Then I stage the pistol prior to the target turn with another breath or two letting the gun settle with each partial exhale. Hopefully I will be totally prepped and staged at the target turn. I tend to keep more air in to help support the raised pistol.
2650 Plus


Post by 2650 Plus »

I hesitate to claim this is THE WAY to breathe but I use a breathing technique cooridinated with the range commands. Like Jach I prepare for the five shot string by deep breathng but I start prior to the range command of " Is the line ready" I also do rapid eye blinking at the same time. then I time my breathing to the range commands.I inhale at ready on the right, and exhale before ready on the left, Again inhale at ready on the left. I let out about half the last breath at ready on the firing line and make sure that I am exactly alligned with sights where the target ten ring is going to appear when it turns. I take up my initial pressure and break the shot as close to the turning of the target as I can. Hope this helps. Good Shooting Bill Horton
Mass Shooter
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Post by Mass Shooter »

Thanks for the comments.

I started the thread becase during times (mostly Timed-Fire) sometimes that last shot I'm nearly out of breath and lose concentration. I believe my hold is slightly too long as well. ...

I'll try the breathing technique coordinated with the range commands. Makes perfect sence to optimize fresh oxygen when most needed.

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Post by Dogchaser »

2650 Bill, How much time do you use on a timed fire string?

How much on Rapid?

2650 Plus

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Post by 2650 Plus »

Reference to the time I use to shoot timed fire. I average 14 seconds as I do not break the first shot on the turn of the target. I still shoot very close to the same rythm as rapid fire. In the raoid fire I try to break the first shot as close to the turn as I can and use less than 9 seconds for the string. Most of the time I finish the string at around 8 seconds and much prefer the faster rythm. I hope I have answered your inquiry. Good Shooting Bill Horton
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