Pardini .45 accuracy

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Pardini .45 accuracy

Post by snakeeater »

Any B/E shooters that can speak to the accuracy of the .45 GT Pardini?
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Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

Post by TonyT »

When I shot bullseye pistol I used the PArdini SP and HP for the 22 and CF stages and the PArdini GT-45, 6 inch with Docter optical sight for the 45 stage. The GT-45 was exceptionally accuarte and reliable.

Post by dhurt »

I have a Pardini .45, the grip is large (double stack), but I like the grip angle! The shots go where I call them, some even make the ten ring...but that is me, I think the gun shoots pretty well. The gun is very reliable with jacketed hollow points and the recoil is fantastic, more straight back than my 1911. Follow up shots are pretty easy. I have not been able to get lead bullets to function 100%. Anyone know the trick?? I much prefer this .45, though you will get some strange looks from 1911 fans. Regards, Dwaine.
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Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

Post by TonyT »

All I ever used was the 185 gr. Star LSWCHP with 3.8 gr. HS-700X , Rem 2.5 for indoor bullseye matches at 50 ft. Very reliable and gave groups which were between 1/2 and 3/4 in. center to center.
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GT45 Malfunction Details

Post by fc60 »

Greetings Dwaine,

Would you elaborate on the type of malfunction you get with the Lead bullets. i.e. stovepipes, failure to eject, ???


Dave Wilson

Post by dhurt »

Howdy! I have feeding problems! The soft lead of swaged bullets grabs on the top side of the bullet. This includes the Star 185's and other shapes as well. I suppose some polishing in there would help, but I am thinking of casting a round nose bullet, with harder alloys, for the short line, if I can get them reliable. I will use the Noslers for the long line and for alibis. They function flawlessly! Regards, Dwaine Hurt

PS. Dave Wilson, I have been having some good results with the barrel you made for my Pardini! I am still looking to get some VV320, I can't find any? Thanks
Posts: 266
Joined: Fri Aug 20, 2004 6:50 am
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

Post by TonyT »

I never expereinced any feeding problems with my Pardini GT but it did have the nasty habit of chucking the fired brass onto my head.
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