shooting with both eyes open

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shooting with both eyes open

Post by jango »

usually i shoot with my lest eyes close and right eyes open. My highest Air pistol 10 meter score 574 and hard to beat this. Average on 560; 572; and 571

last week i saw ISSF air pistol tournament on U tube. Interesting most of elite shooter from china and korea shoot with both eyes open. I thing why not i try this shooting method. When i drive my car is not comfort me to drive with one eyes open. I can see clear big picture.

so i try it on training. first try is hard so for 3 day i practice shoot with both eyes open; then i try it on official scoring with other shooter. Amazing i can shoot better and beat my personal record. I shoot 582 and will test it on tournament on next week.
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Post by EdStevens »

The problem with closing one eye for any length of time is that the brain receives a mixed message: the closed eye says it's dark and that the iris should open more, and the other says it's light and to keep the iris small. This conflict can tire your eyes and mess with the natural adjustment of your iris to the light.

While I can't shoot well with both eyes open, I do use a translucent shooting shield over my non-aiming eye so that I can keep it open while I shoot.
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Post by Rover »

The eyes work best as a pair, even though you can make it easy on yourself by covering one with a translucent occluder to keep the light level about the same for both and prevent "double vision".

If you don't have the fancy shooting glasses, a piece of matte transparent tape on the INSIDE (to prevent reflections) of your regular glasses works great. I don't know of a single top shooter who does not shoot with both eyes open.

When using a red dot for Bullseye, I find I can dispense with the occluder with no problem.

Post by Guest »

...even though you can make it easy on yourself by covering one with a translucent occluder to keep the light level about the same for both and prevent "double vision".
That's for people with 3D vision. Some individuals with 2D vision may not need this trick.
2650 Plus

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Post by 2650 Plus »

Early on I committed to the both eyes open as the best solution for shooting the target pistols. The first justification was using steroscopic vision and having a visible horizon [The target line ] both eyes open allowed me to stand stiller with less sway. Next was the perfect ballance of light striking both eyes lessening eye strain . also by not closing the non shooting eye any tremmor was eliminated and I believe my ability to perfect sight allignment was at its pealk. I used three methods of exercising my eyes. One was to focus on something close to me and make a violent depth of focus change to sharp focus on a distant object,.Second ,I rolled my eyes around to exercise the controling muscles, and third I would relax with my eyes closed and turn my face away from the sun. I quickly opened my eyes and shut them again. Then I turned my head to the other side and repeated the quick opening. After about five minutes of this drill I could feel a relaxation of the controling muscles in my eyes and was ready to begin my training for the day. Good Shooting Bill Horton PS never look at the sun.
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Re: shooting with both eyes open

Post by Spencer »

jango wrote:...Interesting most of elite shooter from china and korea shoot with both eyes open...
many (most) east asians are nearsighted (not necessarily a disadvantage when focussing at the front sight distance) and nearsighted people can align the eyes at the target distance while the sighting eye is focussed at the front sight - in effect everything viewed by the non-shooting eye is then blurred and they don't need an occluder.
2650 Plus


Post by 2650 Plus »

I dont know about how the orientals do it, but it was easy for me to develope the both eyes open system. When you consider that jewlers using an eye loupe simply disregard the image produced by the un used eye it was fairly simple to apply the same concept. Give it about two weeks and I suspect you can achieve the same psycological suppression that I use. Good Shooting Bill Horton
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Post by ColinC »

While I use shooting glasses with an opaque occluder shielding the non-shooting eye, I often discover to my surprise that after a break I have forgotten to lower the occluder and have been shooting with both eyes open. It seems that the brain has become used to switching off the image from the left (non-shooting) eye when I am in shooting mode.
My scores do not suffer when this happens but I do put the occluder down. That eliminates all the thoughts about why it happened and whether I should use the occluder or not, which could then dominate my thought processes instead of concentrating on the front sight.
Maybe I'll try shooting a full match with both eyes wide open, just to see what happens.
Oh yes ... Just thought. I am short-sighted so without a lens in front of it, the non-shooting eye just gives a blurred picture of everything further than a foot away.
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Post by joker »

Watch repairing once was a hobby with me, so I have no problem disregarding my left eye image.

Recently I invested in a set of Varga frames with a prescription lens/iris and left occluder rather than using my normal intermediate glasses with a temporary occluder on the left eye. I have noticed a strange effect now with the proper frames and the flip down occluder - the focus on the FS improves if I close my occluded left eye. I just cannot make any sense of this ?? Any ideas ??
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Post by David Levene »

joker wrote:I have noticed a strange effect now with the proper frames and the flip down occluder - the focus on the FS improves if I close my occluded left eye. I just cannot make any sense of this ?? Any ideas ??
That's what I've been doing for the last 30 years. I don't care what anyone else says, I get a better sight picture with my left eye shut.
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Post by ghostrip »

every person is different. i shoot with my left eye closed but sometimes in a match especially when i am very stressed or tired i open it and see a 3d picture. the funny thing is usually i shoot 10's but cannot keep it for ever

Post by Guest »

That's what I've been doing for the last 30 years. I don't care what anyone else says, I get a better sight picture with my left eye shut.
Jeez, just discovered this happens with me too... but then my vision is 2D--apparently, I cannot see 3D nor do I know what the difference would be.
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Post by mstark »

I'm relatively new to this style shooting and have been trying to find some level of comfort here. I am left hand/right eye dominant. My vision is considerable worse in my left eye (nearsighted). I have been shooting left hand and right eye, even though my grips don't have and angling for a cross dominant shooter. I need to angle my grips. This weekend, i tried shooting with the left eye, and will continue to do so until i modify my grips. I achieved a new 3rd highest personal score.
It is impossible for me to disregard the dominate eye data. In fact, when dry firing, even putting 3-4 pieces of tape over my right eye, i still have difficulty aiming.

Post by Guest »

thanks for reply

if i shoot with both eyes open and have transparent shield on left eyes i feel unbalance when shooting. I don't know precisely where bullet will drop on target. If i close left eyes totally without shield i can see clear front sight clear, and able determine where my bullet drop on target. But it make me tired face 60 shoot on competition.

But if i close all my eyes open wide actually i see 2 image, but i practice decide where the right image according my dominant right eyes. My left eyes picture will blur. I can't get my front sight clear but i can shoot good with this method. I can predict precisely and tight group of shoot. More control on my shooting like drive a car.
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I began shooting with both eyes and is really different, I can see the target bigger and I feel more comfortable, my score went up also. Something that I can not do is to watch 3D movies, I tried everybodys lenses and none work, Was frustating the day I tried to see one, I don´t know why.

Post by Guest »

For people not understanding this 2D / 3D thing may want to read this article: ... d=99083752

Note: read the comments as well.

Also of value:

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Post by RB6 »

but then my vision is 2D--apparently, I cannot see 3D nor do I know what the difference would be.

The difference is easy

Vision with one eye is 2D or 2 dimensional, always, every time, all day, every day

Vision with two eyes is 3D or 3 dimensional, always , every time , all day, every day


Post by Guest »

Vision with two eyes is 3D or 3 dimensional, always , every time , all day, every day
Not so... I see the same way with, either, both eyes open or one eye closed. Also, I cannot see any of those 3D tricks, 3D movies included. I see 3D movies as flat as any normal movie you can watch on your favorite theater.
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Post by RB6 »

Not so... I see the same way with, either, both eyes open or one eye closed. Also, I cannot see any of those 3D tricks, 3D movies included. I see 3D movies as flat as any normal movie you can watch on your favorite theater

Look ( no pun ) at it this way

2D is simply 2 dimensional , width and height , nothing more .

2D is with one eye, right or left, but only one eye at a time . Either the right or the left eye as in monovision, not both.

3D is 3 dimensional, width is the first , height is the second and DEPTH is the third

For 3D or to achieve the third dimension, you must have both eyes open .
The eyes are somewhat apart so each eye " sees " a slightly different image. This pair of images is sent to the brain . The brain stacks the pair of images and then sees a single image that has two perspectives and ultimately you are able to see the third dimension which is depth. Close one eye and that is lost, you only get 2 dimensions again without depth, Open both eyes and yup, that danged 3D is back again

When you have too many alcoholic drinks, it is common to see 2 roads or a double solid center line when there is only one line. That's because the brain is impaired and is unable to put the pair of images together in the brain. To keep your vehicle between the ditches , close one eye and then only one road and a single center line appears again. Of course, long before this happens, you should take the bus. Just close one eye to get on the bus or you may have some difficulty . Fast forward to a cop who pulls someone over and has a collection of 3 dimensional tests where someone that has had too many drinks is unable to see depth . Like touching your nose with your finger etc.

People who have lost an eye are unable to see and calculate depth in the same manner that others that have sight in both eyes. There are many jobs that are not available to people with monovision.

Back to shooting, anyone who is able to focus the front sight with both eyes has an advantage over those that cover one eye. Just look at any middle Olympic podium champion and that person likely uses both eyes to shoot

If you still believe that you can see better with one eye , think of it this way

Get your spotting scope and go to a beach with lotsa girls and view them with your spotting scope, i'm sure you will say this is pretty good....

Now drop your scope and use a pair of binoculars with similar powers and I can guarantee that your will say WOW , this is fantastic

Two eyes is 2 times as good as one eye and the bonus is 3D ........DEPTH !

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Post by Richard H »

Binocular cues are only one class of cues that give depth perception, there are monocular cues that provide depth perception as well.
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