Grip strength

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Grip strength

Post by WesternGrizzly »

How hard do you hold on with your right hand? I read in The Ways of the Rifle that you should hold on very tight. but how strong is this supposed to be?

Post by Guest »

Hey Westergrizzley,

I'm new to the game. I remember somewhat what you were reading about. I think the wording meant the hand was the only part with tension in it. That essectially above the hand everything was tensionless. No strength, unmotored very relaxed.....I'll try to find what you were reading. The tigher you grip anything though is going to produce more shake. Grip it only as tight as you need. I reference the book often. I cant remember everthing.
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Post by jmkwyo »

I have had many different coaches, and many different people tell me different things with different reasons behind it. It is your preference, just remember that your arm should not be 'slouching' and your shoulder should be relaxed. I like to think of my hand holding a soda can, but not crushing it!
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