Some time ago Scot Heath posted a macro he had developed for MS Office to generate 10 meter air rifle targets which were scalable to different distances. I've now prepared a similar funtionality in an document. It's not as polished as I'd like, but everything works (at least for me). If you'd like to give this a try, drop me an email with subject 'OpenOffice targets' and I'll be happy to send you the document and the instructions. I hope to get this polished to the point it will be easier to use - I'm working on it, but this is my first experience with OpenOffice Basic.
I do need some beta testers here, so please consider doing this.
If you have no office suite installed and would like to try the scalable targets, you can easily download and install for free for windows, mac or Linux.
email to ray-at-rcarter-dot-net
Scalable targets in OpenOffice
Moderators: pilkguns, Marcus, m1963, David Levene, Spencer