new brand in Electronic scoring target

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new brand in Electronic scoring target

Post by pava »

founded the new company in Electronic target.
The name is Ariosoren Advanced equipment.
The method is look like sius (4 microphone)
and also sell consumable material for other target and support all type caliber and distance!
they finished the one installation too.
its very interesting!
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Post by jhmartin »

It does look interesting. Always good to have choices

I do find the bullet trap a bit "old school" though!
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Post by cmj »

Anybody happen to notice the company is located in Tehran, Iran. could be a bit difficult getting anything from them.
Ernie Rodriguez
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Electronic Scoring Company

Post by Ernie Rodriguez »

This company,selling out of Iran,could certainly use a dealer in the USA. Not sure a prospective customer want to go through the international shipping nonsense,currency conversion,possible permits/paper work,customs or foreign telephone number just to get this system.
Martin Wpo

Consumable material for sius target

Post by Martin Wpo »

it's pretty good, that they sell consumable material for sius ascor target.
I saw in product page and asked for price
the 5.5m rubber for 25/50m without catcher is just 22.5 euro.instead by sius is more than 40 euro.
I think that we can get this material without any problem in our country.they said me the consumable material is tested by S25/50 sius Target in Italy and approved!
they can also make material for other manufacture like megalink!

Post by Anschutz »

I think this has been posted in this forum before.
Martin Wpo


Post by Martin Wpo »

It's good ,they are in growing up mode!
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Post by Hemmers »

Definitely need dealers outside the middle east. Iran is a scheduled country for most western banks. Trying to buy direct would probably end up more expensive than buying a western system once you've dealt with the hassle of getting money into Iran, and product out.

Also depends if they are being ISSF approved. If not, their market is limited to club level usage only - and if I was going to get electronics to train on, I'd save up for a reknowned system that I knew was reliable and giving accurate scores and feedback. Saving a couple of hundred bucks on an untested Iranian system is silly when you spend far more than that on ammo! Might as well get an approved Suis or Megalink system.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Hemmer's I agree. I think they'd need to almost give these things away.

Don't forget Polytronic, Meyton, Haring and Spieth. It seems like a pretty crowded market for a product that has a pretty small demand.
Martin Wpo

ISSF approve

Post by Martin Wpo »

They starting to get ISSF approved and ISO until 2011,said to me on the last mail .
Their price for installation on shooting hall & consumable material is perfect.
They guaranty the quality of consumable materials for using with sius target.
for 25m,50m discipline Target role is, just 23 euro,from sius or megalink is more than 40!
We must looking future .They finished the one hall and is not bad!
Not bad that have alternative.
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Post by Alexander »

I wish they had been present at the IWA - well maybe they were, but they did not have an own booth. A pity.
So I could only have a look at Meyton and find myself annoyed over their clumsy attempts to force customers to buy a heap of unsightly and superfluous computers, one for each target.
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Post by Alexander »

We mailed them (using the annoying website contact form) and - as expectable with any such form !! - never got any kind of reply. I will now email again using normal email. :-(

Upon sending normal email, we now got a quick reply, already with specified price offers, and with 2 follow-ups. The impression that Ariosoren gave in written form, was professional, diligent and honest.

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