World Record!

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Post by ruig »

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Post by Freepistol »

Gosh, with that kind of information available, it is impossible to deny a bad shot!
Thanks Ruig!
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Post by jipe »

I think its the whole final that is bad:
- onlly four 10.x
- four 9.x
- one 8.0
- one 7.9

Knowing his previous results, not only the qualification of this WC, it is a very bad score for him: normally it is a guy able to align ten 10.x in a final.
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interpreting the pdf

Post by edster99 »

Can someone explain to me which bits are which? I can see the section with each 10 shots for score (Page 2/3, red dots).
On page one we have 1P- 11P green dots, and 1-10 (red dots) and then at the beginning of page2 1P-10P (green dots).

So which is the sighters / final / etc? Theres no set of 8 shots that doesnt have some more. And what is P ?


John Hadjichristou
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Post by John Hadjichristou »

Thanks Ruis - sensational.
Page 1 is a summary of the Final.
1P . 6P means there were 6 sighters before the Final started.
You'll see he shot an 'erant' 8 and the rest were 10's.
On the right hand side of that chart is 1..7 - being the first 7 shots of the final. The number 7 in the cirlce being his 7th shot.
There's was a target malfunction at this stage, so more sighters were granted. 7P..11P stands for sighters 7 thru to 11. He had 5 more sighters.
3 x 10's, two times 9's. A little low - a little left. Shame we don't know if he then made a sight adjustment. If not - his last 3 shots (chart 8..10 on the right) still shows left and low.
Page 2 and three is the qualifying.
1P..10P are his sighters - ten of them, showing one errant nine (errant for him not so if it were mine) and nine 10's. The remaining charts are numbered as per the shot numbers, with the series score underneath.
So, 1..10 - stands for shot one to 10, and the 100 underneath is the series score.
Some observations. The 31 inner 10's + score were as follows.
Series 1 = 3 100
Series 2 = 5 99 (shot 9 a 9)
Series 3 = 5 99 (shot 3 a 9)
Series 4 = 6 99 (shot 3 a 9)
Sereis 5 = 6 99 (shot 10 a 9)
Series 6 = 6 98 (shots 8 and 9 a 9)
Whilst decimal points are not shown for qualifying, my 'estimate' is that his nine's were:
9.7 (shot 18)
9.8 (shot 23)
9.8 (shot 33)
9.1 (shot 50)
9.4 (shot 58)
9.4 (shot 59)
His tightest series was series 4 (99) and his 'most spread' series was series 1 (100)
If nothing else, it's pretty interesting looking at targets for a World Record that took 20 years to break. Unlike others, I'm of the thinking that this WR will remain for a long time again.
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Post by ruig »

some "fuel" for next brainstorm.

The winner of AP (start number 1313 :-))). ... s/1313.pdf

Jin. FP (575): ... s/1214.pdf
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Post by jipe »

If you count the final like the qualification (not counting tenth of points) it means 91 for Jin a very very low score !

You can also see that his first part of the final, before the target problem, was already low: 10, 10, 9, 8, 9, 9, 10 = average 9.29 !

This is due undoublt to at least pressure: final+own country+possibility to break a world recoird due to his exceptional qualification score. And may be somethin else, health... who knows ?
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Post by edster99 »

thanks john , I was getting there but didnt quite get all the way!

Wikipedia has a location for the progression of the WR (dates and scores ?) - went to 590 very quickly, not much progression after that. Seems like 595 might be a real long time coming.


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