.22 Practice ammo

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old shooter

.22 Practice ammo

Post by old shooter »

Hi. I have been out of smallbore shooting for over 10 years. When I stopped, Eley was making practice 100 and I was using it exclusively for practice. It seems that this ammo is not being made any more and I am ever confused by the different ammo out there. What is a good comparable ammo for practice at 50 metres?


Post by Jordan »

Pretty well all my training now is done with Eley Match EPS, which is generally thought of as being a match type ammo to use. Having said that however I have had really good luck with Lapua Superclub ammunition. There is different variations of this ammo (including Wolf MT and SK Standard match I believe). Not as consistent as Match EPS but pretty good for practice.

Eley yellow box (rifle target?) is also good for practice as is there grade right below this (eley practice - although I am unsure if this is still being manufactured).
old shooter

Post by old shooter »

how do i tell the difference between eley made in england and eley made in mexico.

I alsothought that Wolf was a "cheap" ammo. Am I wrong?
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Post by Alexander »

old shooter wrote:I also thought that Wolf was a "cheap" ammo. Am I wrong?
As to .22 RF: yes, you are wrong.

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Post by methosb »

Most people here use SK Standard or Match/Rifle Match for cheap practice stuff. If you need more accuracy be prepared to pay a lot more for ammo. The next up which is the Match EPS and such costs twice as much, well, in Aus all the Eley stuff is damn expensive.
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Post by 1813benny »

RWS target. Consistant and price is not bad. It is also a very clean ammunition compared to the others.
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Post by Soupy44 »

I still have 2 cases of practice 100, but I'm keeping that cause it shots really well. My order of ammo grades from bottom to top is SK Standard Plus for 50ft practice, Practice 100 for 50 yard practice (your results may vary), SK Rifle Match for small matches, Lapua Master L (discontinued) really good match ammo.

I have not had any impressive results with Wolf, but I've seen it do relatively well in other guns. Aguila (Mexican Eley) was a horrible experience for me. Haven't tried any RWS.

I suggest SK Standard plus for my juniors for practice.
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Post by RobStubbs »

Be careful about using 'cheap' ammo for practice. Yep it's fine for technical training and practice but you need to dissociate it from absolute scores.

Also note the strong mental affect of shooting most of the time on cheap and then pulling out a bright shiny box of 'special' ammo for competitions, it can quite strongly affect your nerves and will increase anxiety.

Old Shooter

Post by Old Shooter »

My concern really isnt with cheap ammo. I want quality ammo and am looking for the best I can get. I am a realist and realize I can not afford to practice with Eley Tenex every day.

I am interested in the RWS Target before I get a brick to test. Have you been using it at 50 metres?
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Post by laxratnd »

i have use RWS targert at 50 meters outdoors and it did function pretty darn well out of my rifle. IT shoots well inside at 50 feet also.

Just remember each rifle is different and will function differently.

I have also shot 2 cases of sk standard plus with great results at 50 feet.

Just start buying ammo and testing it to find which one will work for you.

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Post by Mike V »

Eley Ammunition:

Practice-100 is not made anymore. What is the difference between Practice-100, the new Eley Target, and Eley Sport?

Thanks, Mike

Post by .BGC »

Try the Eley Team (blue box). It was introduced about a year ago, and has the EPS-bullet. I use it for practice, and it is good enough for 590-scores. I think the quality of Team is similar to the Lapua Master (now named Center-X). Otherwise, the canned Lapua Club (a.k.a "Magazine") or Schönebeck Magazine (made in the same factory) are good value for money (1/3 of Team and Center-X).
Mike V
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Post by Mike V »

Then what is Eley Sport? They use that to practice on my daughter's team. Then EPS for matches.
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Post by xcrunner8k »

from what i understand eley sport is not a target shooting round. i've never tried it myself, because i've only heard horror stories about accuracy.

correct me please, but i think eley sport is actually made by aguila in mexico. i shot aguila subsonic in my rifle when i first got it and it hardly held the 9-ring at 50 feet.

it is cheap though.

Post by .BGC »

Eley Sport (green label) is branded as Eley Target in the US. Sport/Target has the standard round nose, while Eley Team has the EPS-bullet. Read more at http://www.eley.co.uk/

Post by .BGC »

Forgot to say, that Eley Target in the US has yellow boxes (but green when branded Eley Sport).
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Post by xcrunner8k »

so this will create confusion...
the eley sport i am referring to is in a purple box with a yellow star. that stuff is made (supposedly) by aguila. the new eley sport round in the green box in europe and on the eley website is the same round as the eley target in the us. that stuff shoots, but is twice as much money as the purple box.

i dunno about everybody else, but i pretty much get what i pay for with ammo. the expensive stuff shoots great and cheap stuff is, not great.
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Post by Kevin6Q »

I practice with Fiocchi 22M320 which can be had for about $5.00/50. Its been very consistent and reliable. The match ammo, 22SM320 is better yet and is similar enough I avoid the anxiety of "stepping up" to the good stuff during events.

Post by Guest »

SK Standard Plus works extraordinarily well in my rifle, particularly indoors. It's fine for 50 yards (for NRA Conventional competition, prone, 3P or 4P) and acceptable for practice or local matches at 50M (international style, A50/A51 target.) Accuracy falls off at 100 yards.

I've used this grade of SK for 5+ years and three different lots. I'll buy more when my current stock runs out.
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old shooter wrote:how do i tell the difference between eley made in england and eley made in Mexico?
Eley Sport, in the USA, is made in Mexico by Aguila. It says on the box, "Made in Mexico" or "Hecho in Mexico"
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