Hammerli Grip Frame Adapter

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Guest Twenty

Hammerli Grip Frame Adapter

Post by Guest Twenty »

Does anyone use the Hammerli 208 Grip Fram Adapter as made by CMM? What are the pros and cons of this grip as compared to the stock Hammerli grips? Do you prefer the flat or arched mainspring housing version?
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Post by Isabel1130 »

I have one on my Hammerli 208s. I just put it on two weeks ago. Actually I have two Hammerlis. ONe has the CMM grip adapter and the other has a Nills. The reason I bought the CMM grip adapter is because I am going to the Zins clinic and wanted to shoot the Hammerli. The Zins grip can only be done on a stright grip. The other reason that I have it is so that my son can also shoot the pistol without changing out the grip. I need a small left and my son needs a large right. The CMM grip adapter takes care of that. It is very well made and quite nice. I have the one with the arched housing because that is what I have on my .45. It makes the Hammerli very similar to my .45.
Shooting Kiwi
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Post by Shooting Kiwi »

Please can you tell me what is a 'grip frame adapter'? I've searched the web to no effect.
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Post by Spencer »


Guest Twenty

Grip Fram Adapter

Post by Guest Twenty »

It is made by CMM Machine. You remove the grips that are on your Hammerli and slip this aluminum adapter up, over the frame, attach it with two screws and screw on 2 1911 slab type grips. The frame adapter comes in two styles to simulate the 1911 - straight housing and arched style housing. They make a high quality product.



Hammerli Grip Adaptor

Post by BE2591 »

I had one of these units adapted to my 41. A minimum of work requred for use on the 41 and I am happy with the results.
2650 Plus

Post Subject

Post by 2650 Plus »

Reference the question about whether to use an arched adapter or a flat one. Pick up your 1911 and after taking your best grip, raise the pistol to firing position and look at the sights. If the front sight is riding high you need the flat and vice versa . Hope this helps. Good Shooting Bill Horton PS If neither works , change the way you take your grip.
pistol champ
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Post by pistol champ »

I use one on my 208s so that I can shoot either right or left handed with out changing grips.
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