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New Products - Gun Snot

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 10:19 pm
I recently discovered a new set of products for metal cleaning and lubrication called Gun Snot. Yeah, funny name! I have no financial interest of any kind in the products or company. However, they are little known, already enjoy a small following among top shooters (including a certain Athens Olympic Champion... check their website), and I thought you might be interested in this stuff.

Gun Snot lubricating paste and lubricating oil are high tech (21st century) products that contain zero hydrocarbons (100% safe for air guns, unlike a number of other products), do not "dry out" like even such "advanced" lubricants as TW25, are not significant health hazards such as BreakFree, and...most importantly of all... are absolutely incredible lubricants.

I used a small amount of the paste on the sear of my Ruger .22 pistol and the feel of the trigger was transformed. Very smooth and it actually reduced the very heavy factory trigger pull a bit, which aided usability. I'm not used to a lubricant actually changing the feel of a trigger to any significant degree... this was great! I also used the paste on the hammer face, underside of the bolt, and the bolt body where it contacts the action. This made a difficult to open bolt much easier to operate, especially when the hammer was down.

The real surprise was what happened when I used the paste on an Anschutz rifle trigger. After stripping all old lubricants using Gun Snot cleaner, the metal was clean like I've never seen metal cleaned. I then used a very small amount of the GS paste on the sear and very small amounts of oil on the pins where parts rotate. Anschutz triggers are already known for their excellent feel and reliability. The trigger was noticeably smoother. It's hard to explain in words the subtle differences in trigger feel, of course. This was an amazing transformation... much more than just "subtle." Taking up the first stage was noticeably smoother than before (Even though it was clean and properly lubricated with TW25 before.), the shot break was amazingly clean, and it was quite surprising to feel how dramatic the differences were. One of my Anschutz target rifles has always had a "sticky" bolt, no matter how I cleaned and lubed it... well... it used to! This stuff is amazing!

I hear that high power rifle shooters find that their AR-15 style rifles are much smoother operating.. bolt and trigger, and bullseye shooters find their slides and triggers benefit as well.

The GS cleaner that I mentioned is, again, a huge step up from current products. Like the lubricating products, it contains zero hydrocarbons so is perfectly safe for air guns, yet works better than anything you'll find on the gun shop display shelves. I turned it on a dirty trigger and it was clean in moments. A little lubricating paste, and it was flawless!

Gun Snot costs a bit more than most lubricants on an ounce-for-ounce basis. Given the exceedingly tiny amounts used, and the incredible improvements and long life of the applied lubricants, I gladly pay the price... I'm a believer.

"Feel Center!"