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Help Save the Strathcona Shooting Range

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:20 am
by Patrick Haynes

Folks, I need to ask a favour. I need about 5 minutes of your time.

The City of Edmonton is planning to terminate the lease of the Strathcona Shooting Range. This facility, originally built for the 1978 Commonwealth Games, is one of the best ranges in Canada. The proof of its value is self-evident as this will be the shooting venue for the upcoming 2005 World Masters Games.

I would like to ask you to do two things. As an international sports facility in a city desiring tourist dollars, your opinion and participation counts.

First, follow the link below and sign the petition by filling in the blanks. Add your city and country to your name (i.e. Patrick Haynes: Toronto, Ontario, Canada).

Second, pass along the url ( to every shooter (rifle, pistol, shotgunner) that you know. We need names on this petition to give it any weight.

Please sign up now, as we only have until July 15th to get these names together.

Sign the Petition: Save the Strathcona Shooting Range

Many thanks. I appreciate your support.
Patrick Haynes
Webmaster, TargetShooting Canada

Save the range

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:19 am
by Guest
Patrick, thanks for notifying us of this important opportunity to voice our support for our only international venue.