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Activity Level With New Format?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 3:35 pm
by Steve Swartz
Hey Folks:

Is it just me- or has there been a drop-off in activity with the new format? Seems like there are fewer posts in general since we switched over- and a lot fewer for some folks.

I know the new format is more of a "hassle" for me (yes, Mr. Dial-Up), but this could just be a "personal problem."

Maybe it just *looks* like less activity because the forum has been sub-divided?

See you all at Benning next week!

Steve Swartz

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 4:24 pm
by Shin
In average
29.8 message/day from 02-Jun-2003 to 29-Feb-2004 (old format)
30.5 message/day from 01-Mar-2004 to 26-May-2004 (new format)
So number of posts is about the same...

The New Format

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 9:19 am
by Bob LeDoux
I am also on dialup. I used to visit the site every day. Now, its every other day. I check on the Shooters Lounge and Pistol sections. There is just more work in looking at the posts. The response time also appears to be slower.

I appreciate Scott's effort, and the unique data found here. So, I will continue to participate.

Activity Level

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 11:13 am
by Steve Swartz
Shin: Thanks for the numbers- apparently my perception is just an illusion!

And Bob, my experience is similar to yours. My activity has dropped off due to the "It Sucks To Have Dialuop" factor with this format. But I also will stick it out of course; and I may eventually join the 21st century myself!


Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 11:20 am
by Sparks
Might I suggest that you not check the actual forums, but actually look at the "View posts since last visit" page instead? It lists off all the topics which have had new posts since you last checked the site. It loads a lot faster than the forums pages will.