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Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:44 am
by damjan
I need help about finding Universities whit rifle schoolarship!can someone gave me the www adres?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:16 am
by pdeal
Here is one:

Collegiate Shooting Directory

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:58 am
by PaulB
See the NRA Collegiate Shooting Directory at: ... /index.asp

and click on "Collegiate Shooting Directory" in the left -hand column

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 7:21 pm
by David Jeffries
look below


Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 7:22 pm
by David Jeffries
Here is the link:
Hot links to the prospective schools are listed or should I say jammed on the far left (:>)

here's what I did

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 11:46 pm
by AlaskaKate
Here's what I did...
I went to the NCAA website and found out what schools had teams. Then I decided which out of those schools I was interested in. Dont let rank sway your deicsion too will get more out of a school that fits you than a good team.
You have to wait until the summer between your junior and senior years to talk to coaches
Once you are in this period, find some way to "sell" your skills. The way I did this was to build a website. you can view it at . Email coaches to express your interest and if you build a website like I did provide the link.....typically, if your scores are good enough, the coaches will guide you through the rest.(by the way, make clear in your email that you will need financial aid, because rifle coaches are limited to giving away more than 3.6 scholarships it is very difficult to get a full scholarship.)
While you are doing this, start the registration process with the NCAA Clearinghouse. It would be benificial for you to at least have some knowledge of the basic rules surrounding eligability and recruitment. (for example, accepting money for won matches makes you inaligable to compete as a NCAA shooter)

Try to contact schools as early as possible, I started emailing them in August before my senior year. However, if something happens and you dont have a place to go in late winter/early spring, dont be afraid to cotact a new crop of schools. Most schools dont make their final decision until April.

I hope this helps....Let me know what happens
