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ISSF TV Online

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 3:29 pm
by donavaneason
I just ran across this myself the other day and I never knew it existed so I'm just going to let everyone else out there that was like me beforehand know about this. ISSF has an index of video from the Bangkok and Sydney World Cups online with footage including Men and Women's Air Rifle, 3-Position, Pistol, Trap, etc... The link is It's a really neat site for all who haven't actually witnessed a World Cup match. The file sizes can be quite large, some ranging up to 40 megs in size but it's well worth it!

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:34 am
by smhagger

Thank you for posting this information here. I downloaded 3 clips last night and watched them (both men's AR, and 1 women's AR) and they were very well done. There is value in having these clips for study to evaluate technique and equipment.

While watching the clips, I was able to answer an equipment question that I had about "what the top shooters were using" (more specifically, how important is it to get an adjustable rear iris with or without a color filter). After watching just a few minutes, I could see that most (if not all) the shooters shown were using an adjustable rear iris, some clearly with color filters. It was a nice way to "see for myself" and a good confirmation of the advice given by the helpful, and more experienced, shooter here at TT.

Thanks again for posting this link, I look forward to downloading more of these files soon. SMH