Page 1 of 1 still functional?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 5:13 am
by seamaster
Was going to order stuff, site not functional?

Re: still functional?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 9:19 am
by Gwhite
I was emailing back & forth with Art, the owner, just a few weeks ago. Hopefully it's just a technical glitch with his web site. I'll let him know it's misbehaving.

Re: still functional?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 10:15 am
by Gwhite
Just heard back from Art:

"A utility truck down the street drove under a low hanging fiber optic cable and tore it down. We are back up."

Re: still functional?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 2:55 pm
by ShootingSight
We're back up. After Amazon pulled Parler, I decided I didn't want to risk hosting on a left leaning anti-gun cloud service, in case they went totally anti-gun and pulled support. I share the building with an IT guy, so we run our own server. Downside is that we don't have all the redundant backups up. Yet.

Good news is that we have a plan that might just be a business plan: my baby web site only has a few visitors per day, so does not take much bandwidth. A cheap shoebox size computer can actually act as a server, and has the capacity to host multiple sites my size. So my idea is to get a few dozen small gun businesses, we supply a shoebox size server to each business, and each of the servers have all of the few dozen websites on it, so now we have servers all over the country for redundancy and for reasonably fast access, even with home speed internet that has 250Mb connections. And we are not beholden to companies like Amazon.

So right now, there is one 'real' server at the shop, and we have a shoebox built and loaded at my home, and are working to write the software to allow the two to work together dynamically. Once we get there, it becomes scalable.


Re: still functional?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 9:58 am
by 1066les
That sounds brilliant, Art .... I wish you everything of the best for your new venture!