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Numbness on middle finger

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:49 pm
by Isi
Hi guys…after going hard on training with a new evo 10 (160 shoots per day for 2 weeks) im starting loosing feeling on top of my middle finger…where the top part of the pistol touches it….
Probably the pressure on a nerve or something…?

Has anyone had this issue before?


Re: Numbness on middle finger

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:25 pm
by Gwhite
The nerves have to go a long way. It could be anything along the route, including neck, shoulder, elbow or wrist. Placing any of those in an unnatural position could pinch a nerve. Get someone to take a picture or two of you standing comfortably, with your arm raised so it is horizontal, with your shoulders level, and as natural & relaxed as you can be. Do NOT try to copy your shooting position! Then have them take a few photos of the stance you use when shooting, and look for anything out of place.

Every year, when I start shooting free pistol in the spring, my hand goes numb after ~ 39 shots until I remember to relax my shoulder...

It may also just be that the nerves on top of your finger are getting crushed. The grip should apply even pressure over an area there, not in one small spot. A tiny bit of padding or sanding to spread the pressure might do it.