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Athena electronic targets

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:58 am
by 540x
Our junior club is contemplating purchasing the Athena system. We would like some feedback from users. Any advise is welcome. You may pm me if you prefer. Thanks.

Re: Athena electronic targets

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 12:01 pm
by arpcat
We ordered ours in October of 2021. We received the final pieces on 5/25/22. Not real clear on what the delay was, not much communication on it. We are in the process of assembling them now. A few of the parts are different then what is included in the instructions, so the assembly has been slow. We are currently held up by an internet issue (not athena) but hope to resolve it early next week. I intend to come back and post once we have them running. I will say I am nervously skeptical at the moment. The plastic gears on the first unit we assembled are crooked and skip when lifting and lowering, hard to imagine much of a lifespan.

Re: Athena electronic targets

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 8:01 am
by 540x
Thanks for your reply. I hope they work out. After many phone calls and emails and much deliberation the club ordered 4 targets. my wife and daughters were at the Jo's where Athena had a display and they came home with a position attitude about Athena. Hopefully the targets arrive before camp Perry so the kids get a chance to practice on electronic targets before a match.

Re: Athena electronic targets

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 9:56 pm
by arpcat
We got them up and running. Obviously a lot to learn on the software side, but it didn't take long to figure out how to start practicing on them. We are going to reach out to the company and ask about the lift motors. Its not the gears missing, its the motor itself skipping. Aside from the lift motor which appears to be easily replaceable, a good first impression on the rest of the unit. Both stands appear to wobble a little bit when they take a shot, but no where near enough to worry about tip over. The athlete monitors require AC power, so not quite as cordless as we had expected. The monitors are small and lightweight. They look like they need a RAM mount and could attach easily to an offhand stand.

Re: Athena electronic targets

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 7:47 am
by 540x
In our conversations with the company they mentioned that they are finding weak points as they progress and correcting them. Hopefully by the time our order is filled they know what needs to be done. thanks for the information.