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Pardini GT45 Issue

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:51 am
by ChrisD20
I ran across an issue with my GT45 that has me stumped.

This is a 2020 model recently purchased new directly from the factory in Italy, that I only had time to put about 100 rounds through before being locked down due to Corona closures.

Last night at the range I put 15 rounds down range with no issue, loaded up the magazine and went to shoot but the trigger was frozen, dropped the magazine and tried to cycle the slide to eject the round, no luck it was frozen too. Checked the safety and it was off but still unable to shoot. After our shooting team coach took a look at it we decided to call our local gunsmith, he is going to come out this Saturday to the range and see what is going on. Pistol is on safe and locked in the safe at the range.

Has anyone come across an issue like this?

Re: Pardini GT45 Issue

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:29 pm
by ChrisD20
Determined the issue that one of the cases had a mm larger lip that prevented the pistol from shooting. Everything was in tolerance when we made the bullets so was surprised. Seems the GT45 is as picky as people had said.