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RINK Grips Arriving

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:36 am
by rkittine
Just got a notice that my new Rink Grips for my TOZ-35M will be delivered tomorrow. Ordered on July 1st, ready for pick up by DHL on the 9th and here and through customs by the 27. Much better than I thought it would be,


Re: RINK Grips Arriving

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:21 pm
by divingin
What did they cost you, if you don't mind my asking?

Re: RINK Grips Arriving

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:05 pm
by rkittine
I picked them up at the post office this morning though they were in yesterday. I got the grips for my TOZ-35 as well as the forend and eights to match.

The grips were 242.86 Euros = $284.15
The forend and weights were - 57.97 Euros = $67.82
and the Shipping was 37.00 Euros = $43.29 (Same amount as for just the grips)

Total for Grips only would have been $327.44

The 3D printed polymer grips I think would have been $154.00 plus I think $47.oo for the full wrap around plus about $15 in shipping, so about $216, but sure don't look the same nor have any of the adjustments available.
