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FAS 6007 Trigger Adjustment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:54 am
by Leon
Would anybody like to have a go at deciphering this cryptic gobbledegook?

What on earth does "This adjustment makes more sensible and dangerous the hammer's mount" actually mean ?

I did say in one of my other posts that I think they put the Italian language manual through Google Translate !

Re: FAS 6007 Trigger Adjustment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:50 am
by David M
That is the sear engagement screw,
Clockwise reduces the amount of engagement (Italian translation....makes it dangerous and exciting)
Turn Anti-Clockwise increases the sear engagement (Italian.....make it dull and boring.)
If you only have a digital watch...then you are in trouble!

Re: FAS 6007 Trigger Adjustment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:20 am
by Gwhite
I've been coaching college students for almost 10 years now, and they all seem to understand clockwise & counterclockwise, but I'm coaching at a technical university. Someday I fully expect to start having to explain it more & more often. We also use the "hour" location of shots for diagnostic purposes, like 7:00 is being too aggressive with the trigger, etc. Most of them have already never seen a computer punch card or even a floppy disk...

On the subject of translation of manuals, I ran into a situation chasing down sight adjustment info. The English version of the Matchgun MG5 instructions didn't say how far the shots moved per click, but the original Italian did. I also found at least one instance where they had the direction backward in the English version.

Re: FAS 6007 Trigger Adjustment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:06 pm
by dulcmr-man
I *suspect* that "sensible" was confused with "sensitive", aka lighter pull.


Re: FAS 6007 Trigger Adjustment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:16 pm
by Leon
Thanks David M, and others, for your responses. Now what do screws 2, 3 & 4 actually do? I suspect that screw 4 is for first stage travel?

Re: FAS 6007 Trigger Adjustment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:43 pm
by gimgim
> I *suspect* that "sensible" was confused with "sensitive", aka lighter pull.

Yes. The Italian word "sensibile" translates as "sensitive" in English.
"sensitivo" in Italian means "psychic" :-)

If you have the Italian version of the instructions I can translate them for you.

Re: FAS 6007 Trigger Adjustment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:37 pm
by David M
When you don't know what you are doing.....DON'T PLAY WITH IT !

In simple terms
1- Sear Engagement (2nd stage travel)
2- Sear weight (2nd Stage weight)
3- 1st stage weight (take-up weight)
4- 1st stage travel (trigger length)
From memory transfer engagement is not a problem unless the 1st stage travel is very short.
I would start with at least 1/2 turn sear engagement and work from there by feel.

Re: FAS 6007 Trigger Adjustment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:20 pm
by Leon
"When you don't know what you are doing.....DON'T PLAY WITH IT !"

And these are very wise words David ...