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Adding weight to barrel to reduce pulse

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:19 am
by Bryan996
As the title sugguests, has anyone had any results with adding weight to the barrel to reduce pulse? My thoughts are that it might increase fatigue issues but the extra weight might dampen any pulse inputs. (I already use the mec anti-pulse sling btw).

I've ordered some collar clamps to try on the barrel before I buy the Grunig barrel weight system at £120ish but thought I'd asking the wider community. Someone with a Scatt my be able to prove or disprove my theory.

thanks Bryan

Re: Adding weight to barrel to reduce pulse

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:31 pm
by Tim S

Assuming the rifle is always properly balanced, adding weight will make the rifle more inert, so more effort is needed to move it. But as you say there comes a point when the rifle is too heavy, and the shooter tires prematurely. Obviously this point will vary according to physique and fitness. I'd say that the fundamental position and jacket fit are important factors too; extra weight can mask, or exacerbate, inherent instability.

I'd think that if you have an issue with the rifle picking up a pulse beat, it's better to stop the transmission. Then worry about adding weight to the rifle for balance/stability.

On an aside, had you considered weighting the stock rather than the barrel to avoid directly changing the harmonics?