University of Sciences Rifle Team terminated

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University of Sciences Rifle Team terminated

Post by Peakconti »

I was advised yesterday that the University of Sciences in Philly has ended its NCAA Rifle Team and shooting program. Its another big loss for the shooting sports world. My son just finished up his Freshman season there, and will now attempt to transfer to another school and team. The school claims that the reason for the termination is that the school itself had a large financial deficient, although they are adding soccer as a sport. Their goal is to increase attendance at the school and I guess replacing shooting with soccer will achieve that goal. They also claim that not enough alumni supported the team financially, so word to the wise support the schools you graduated from, even if its a small amount. Make sure to donate to your team. My son is obviously upset, and we are going crazy as a family trying to assist him in getting settled as soon as he can.
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