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Izzy 46 Breech Up - Stuck In That Position - Help Please

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:10 pm
by Scrench
Today at our monthly pistol shoot I loaned my Izzy 46 to a new shooter (thankfully after I had already shot) for silhouette, while I was shooting 10m with my LP400. Ten minutes later he brings me the pistol and the breech is open, pointing straight up as it should when cocked, but it's stuck in that position. Gun is cocked, trigger won't fire. Anybody know what to do or is my gun getting ready to visit our fine host again?

Thanks In Advance,

Re: Izzy 46 Breech Up - Stuck In That Position - Help Please

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:26 pm
by JoeJackson
There is a VERY small spring and pin in the two piece breech: parts 59 and 60. The spring can snap and jam the closing.

Parts can be found @ ... parts.html

Re: Izzy 46 Breech Up - Stuck In That Position - Help Please

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:53 pm
by Scrench
Thanks Joe, that website is an invaluable resource for Izzy owners, and you are the second person to tell me it might be that little spring.