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10 Meter AP in Baton Rouge, LA

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 9:43 am
by Scrench
Hi All,

After many years of being the only person keeping 10 meter AP in this part of the country alive (that I know of), I've been working with our local club, the Bayou Airgun Club, and we are finally going to put on our first 10m event June 11th, 2016. Our range is the home of the Cajun Spring Classic Field Target Match (the first one held in the country a long time ago) and the NRA Silhouette National Championship, so adding pistol events is only natural. This is going to be a combination event held in conjunction with our monthly Field Target match. So it looks like this: 9 a.m.- 11 a.m. Field Target in the practice field, 12 p.m.- whenever, a combination of 10m Olympic style and AP Silhouette, also a first in this area. We will be using open iron sight, .177 caliber, air, spring Co2 or SSP pellet pistols only. There is no fee. Before you get too excited, this is a first-time project, a local event, and will be conducted casually to say the least. it's more about some folks I've bothered to death who just want to get together and shoot their pistols for fun, but you've got to start somewhere. Rules (what rules?) will be ridiculously relaxed, more of a "start", "stop" kind of deal. One round of 4/400 10m targets, one round of 40 Sil shots, followed by a second round of each if time permits and anyone is interested. There are no prizes, all shot outdoors. 10m and Sil can be shot independently if you wish, and if interest is sustained, I hope to expand to full 600 point matches later.

What this is really all about, is to let you know we are trying to get something started down here on a regular basis, and invite anyone within the area who'd like to come play with us. I definitely wouldn't start making out-of-state plans to attend because you'd probably be let down, but we would appreciate your best wishes for our inaugural match. The plan at the moment is to continue this every month in conjunction with our regular FT matches, but who knows, it may expand into it's own event making it worth a long trip, or flop miserably. Only one way to find out. Our FT monthly schedule and range info is here: and if you have any questions you can contact me at:, or 225-767-7737. You can follow this on Facebook at:

Thanks for reading, and especially thanks to Scott, Buck and the gang for continuing to host TargetTalk, because without it, I probably would have given up a long time ago too (and wouldn't have any Vogel pellets!).

See Ya' Shootin',
Richard Harris

Re: 10 Meter AP in Baton Rouge, LA - WHAT???

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 12:08 pm
by DFWdude
Bayou AG Club has always been my favorite FT venue (where I shoot my best). I would enjoy shooting 10m there, too. It's a pity I live too far away (Dallas) for regular matches. But if your experiment works well enough, maybe you can talk Paul P. into hosting a 10m/silhouette match on some evening (before the skeeters come out) as part of the Cajun's Spring Classic GP. You'll have to actually run the match though, I imagine. But no worries. I will be there for sure, bringing along some extra 10m pistols to share. I have two Steyrs (LP10 and LP1-P) and a Pardini K60. Both Steyrs work perfectly, but it's been ages since I shot the Pardini (LOL).

Re: 10 Meter AP in Baton Rouge, LA - WHAT???

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 1:23 pm
by Scrench
Thank you Bob, and what you said is what I'm finding out all over. A lot of people have AP pistols laying around gathering dust like your Pardini because rifles dominate so much of the action, and there is nowhere to shoot them. And truth be told, pistol Silhouette WAS shot here a long time ago, but that group was using scopes and quickly burned out because they said it was too easy. IMHO, A scope on a pistol for Field Target, fine, but I invite anyone who enjoys a little challenge to try pistol Silhouette with open iron sights.

Paul has his hands full with running FT events, but says he will participate in our little adventure. However, Dustin Flint, our two-time National Champion and Tournament Director in rifle Silhouette has already offered to tag pistol Sil on with the National Championships if enough folks sign up, and it only takes two to make a class. Should be a sure thing for next March. I'm still pondering how and when to host a legitimate 10M event, but this horse shouldn't be pushing that cart yet anyway.

The interesting part is in 10 meter. Until I held a beginner's class a couple of weeks ago, most folks didn't know what it was, and the amount of improvement from the beginning of the class until the end was phenomenal. We have the potential for some really fine shooters here, who are all excited about a "new" sport.

Very nice arsenal, and I'm sure we'll see you at the Cajun's.

Thanks Again,