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Has shooting 10m AP hurt anyone's .45 auto scores?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:35 pm
by zanemoseley
I got into bullseye shooting this year and have a Les Baer 1911 and a S&W 41. About 2 months ago I got a FAS6004 to practice with daily in the basement as I only get out to the range once a week to practice. I've seen my AP scores go up, I stared in the mid 480's and currently my best is a 524 but I went to the range today after not being able to go for 3 weeks or so and I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with my .45 although my .22 was decent.

Does shooting an AP a lot make you more prone to recoil anticipation when you break out a .45?

To be honest if I had to pick between NRA 2700 bullseye and 10m AP it would be a hard call. If there was a good crowd around here shooting 10M AP I might dump the bullseye all together. I love being able to go in my basement whenever and have a full Olympic quality (well almost) range and air conditioned to boot.

Re: Has shooting 10m AP hurt anyone's .45 auto scores?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:12 pm
by dronning
I shoot both AP and bullseye, no issues, but I also dry fire my 22 & 45 using my SCATT trainer quite a bit! My bullseye scores improve with the amount of dry fire I do. I now pull the trigger 10-1 dry fire verses live fire - it use to be the other way around.

- Dave

Re: Has shooting 10m AP hurt anyone's .45 auto scores?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:42 pm
by john bickar
On the contrary; I didn't go from MA to HM in bullseye until I started shooting a s**tload of air pistol.

Re: Has shooting 10m AP hurt anyone's .45 auto scores?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:49 pm
by Rover
As a result of poor performance at Perry, I went to AP (buying one from Champions Choice on commercial row). Any success after that I attribute entirely to my purchase.

Re: Has shooting 10m AP hurt anyone's .45 auto scores?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:52 pm
by zanemoseley
Well to be honest I don't dry fire at all. My buddy also recommended today that I start so I can learn my trigger.

I'm glad to hear that you both have good luck mixing AP and bullseye. I'll just have to bump up my practice and chalk today up to an exceptionally bad day.

Re: Has shooting 10m AP hurt anyone's .45 auto scores?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:23 pm
by Rover
If I recall correctly, you got into AP to improve your .45 scores.

Endevour to perservere!