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Walther CP2 cylinder seal replacement

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:23 am
by PaulB
Can the seal(s) in a Walther CP2 CO2 cylinder be replaced as a DIY project? If so, are the "actual" seals available or do I just try to find a commercially available alternative. I also note that Walther lists CP2 cylinders for sale on their website. I assume that these are of new manufacture and not ones that they have had laying around for 20 years, correct?

Re: Walther CP2 cylinder seal replacement

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:25 am
by David Levene
PaulB wrote:I assume that these are of new manufacture and not ones that they have had laying around for 20 years, correct?
I suggest that you ask them.

Re: Walther CP2 cylinder seal replacement

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:36 am
by Gwhite
I would be very interested in their response. We have a couple CP2's that I assumed are in the "only good for practice & local matches" category because their cylinders have "expired".

Re: Walther CP2 cylinder seal replacement

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:04 am
by Ed Hall
CP2 parts are (were) available from Earl's Repair Service, Inc. O-rings seemed a bit expensive, though. I have been using the common variety from the hardware store. They do not last, but I'm not shooting much AP these days, so they're OK for my current needs.

Re: Walther CP2 cylinder seal replacement

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:31 pm
by Pfelicio
I own a cp2 and refurbished it last year for my son.The O rings for de cilinders I got from walther cost around 7€ each AND lasted around 4 Month ( rechrarching 4x a week) After trying several types of commercial O rings from a local shop I finally got the right compound; NBR 90 14x3mm This "hard" nbr type resists well to freezing and to the mechanical forces applied ( other where OK when new but expand 2 much w co2 low temp and got wrecked by the adapter when screwing\unscrewing) ....unscrewing the bottle from pistol with a expanded o ring may ruin the bottle brass internal screw, be careful!

Re: Walther CP2 cylinder seal replacement

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:52 pm
by Ed Hall
Pfelicio wrote:I own a cp2 and refurbished it last year for my son.The O rings for de cilinders I got from walther cost around 7€ each AND lasted around 4 Month ( rechrarching 4x a week) After trying several types of commercial O rings from a local shop I finally got the right compound; NBR 90 14x3mm This "hard" nbr type resists well to freezing and to the mechanical forces applied ( other where OK when new but expand 2 much w co2 low temp and got wrecked by the adapter when screwing\unscrewing) ....unscrewing the bottle from pistol with a expanded o ring may ruin the bottle brass internal screw, be careful!
Thank you for this info. I plan to file it away for some use a little later, (of course, hoping I can remember where I filed it, or how to find this thread again)...

Re: Walther CP2 cylinder seal replacement

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:58 pm
by mhs
Protek Supplies has them, 10 for around $30 shipped to the US. I've gotten parts for my old LGR and CPM-1 from them on two occasions, no problems. For shipping to the US email them and ask for instructions, they get back to you in a day or two.