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Reading materials

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:18 pm
Hi All,

I seem to have hit a brick wall in my progress.

I am a total novice at pistol shooting but rifle shooting I am/used to be pretty good at (not paper punching 10m kind, a sport called HFT)

I do seem to have hit a brick wall in my progress, scores have been hovering around the same mark over and over and over.

Now I don't really have a local club where I could go and do my thing and learn from others unfortunately, so I am stuck to shooting in my garage and learning from the internet etc. I took up pistol shooting because I loved the road to success and I could do it in my garage. I'm not expecting to break records but if I could impress myself I would be happy :)

So ignoring all that and getting to the point... where can I read about pistol shooting? I want to learn and absorb as much as I can from experienced people. I'm hoping a few of them have written guides on theory and practice and all that important stuff..

If so, where can I find it?

Thanks :)

Re: Reading materials

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:39 pm
by v76

Re: Reading materials

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:07 pm
by Shooter
I am glad you want to learn more. It never hurts to know more about the sport. I have the largest library of shooting sports info in private hands in the US and it is available to anyone, anywhere. If you would like to see what is there and how to see some of it, I will need a name and mailing address. I hasve nothing online. Don't trust these stupid things all that much. Hope to hear from you. Don in Oregon at

Re: Reading materials

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:31 am
by Rutty
Hello Elpresador,

First of all, where are you located, because there are a number of good clubs in NW England. If you want to progress then you need to join one of them, even if it means you can only go there once a month. Secondly; if you have not realised it already; 10m air pistol is quite unlike HFT. In HFT every shot is different, presents its own challenge and must be completed within a limited time. In 10m every shot is exactly the same and time should not be an issue.

Initially you must gain an understanding of basic techniques, these are best imparted by an instructor. To progress it is useful to have access to a coach. There are things that you can do to help yourself as there is a particularly good book that covers the basics:

Training Shooting Sports by Barth and Dreilich

It is available from the NSRA ... 10100.html

It is intended for young shooters but contains an excellent step by step description of the elements of the shot process.

Once you have progressed; and by this I mean shooting 535-540 regularly in competition; then you may wish to invest in:

Olympic Pistol Shooting ... k49ftofmv2

But until you confident with the basics, stick to the simple things.


Re: Reading materials

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:38 am
by crankythunder
Dear el:

While it is a different discipline then the type of pistol shooting you guys do in europe, check out

Lots of tips, tricks, advice, recommendations, and information for the bullseye pistol shooter. While bullseye pistol is primarily a American sport, the techniques required would be transferrable.


Re: Reading materials

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:18 am
by dronning
Many good resources have been given to you.

When you reach a certain level it may not be your technique it may be your mental process or lack of one that is holding you back. The shooting sports are at least 95% mental. Following a consistent shot process and getting into the zone where your subconscious takes over the majority of this process is what you want to be able to do.

The book by Lanny Bassham, an Olyimpic Gold Medalist, and World Champion in rifle, titled "With Winning in Mind" is a great resource. Check out his website here: