New Pardini USA Importer?

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New Pardini USA Importer?

Post by beeser »

Apparently, Pardini has gone through a number of US importers. Any word on them making another change soon?
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Re: New Pardini USA Importer?

Post by dronning »

Are you speculating? It's been PARDINI USA LLC since 2009 and they are the only dealer listed for the USA on the Pardini website.

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Re: New Pardini USA Importer?

Post by nglitz »

That should get you Vladimir Chikov. Olympic pistol coach and father of Alex Chikov, two-time world champion in sport pistol.
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Re: New Pardini USA Importer?

Post by David Levene »

nglitz wrote:.... father of Alex Chikov, two-time world champion in sport pistol.
To be more accurate, Alex Chichkov, World Champion in Sport Pistol Junior Men and Standard Pistol Junior Men.

That doesn't detract from his achievements at all.
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