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AP in Rennes France?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 3:56 pm
by jblphoto
My daughter will be doing a semester in Rennes France this fall. Are there any air pistol clubs nearby? What are the opportunities like in France for AP shooters?

Shooting ranges in Rennes France

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:33 pm
by gn303
I would suggest to e-mail a Club in Rennes. Visit the site ... &Itemid=29. As you may know, France has some excellent shooters and AP is rather popular. You can bring your own AP.  In France an air pistol is not considered as a firearm, do check though with air regulations an import/export of goods. It might be easier to check if the club have pistols for loan or for rent, many of them do. That could save you some administration. Have a good trip and lots of success for your dauthers with her studies.


Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:39 pm
by jblphoto
Thanks, that was what I was looking for.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:43 pm
by v76
I would also have a look at this forum (if you can read and write some French) They'll be able to direct you to a club for sure.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:14 pm
by jblphoto
My daughter is French major


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:05 pm
by kermite44
In France an air pistol is a licensed gun, you need to be a member of a shooting club, after which they will issue a license to own and transport a gun, different categories, from 1 to 6, air pistol being one of them.
Do not take your air gun without doing your homework, or you will have to deal with customs and the gendarmes, and they are not fun.
Believe me, I am from there.
Good luck

Re: AP

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:56 am
by gunnery
kermite44 wrote:In France an air pistol is a licensed gun, you need to be a member of a shooting club, after which they will issue a license to own and transport a gun, different categories, from 1 to 6, air pistol being one of them.
no, match air pistols and rifles are free in europe
Buy one hier: ... dlg815ppd2
or ... at&cat=171
and let it send to her home in France and take it with you to the US


Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:57 pm
by kermite44
France is in Europe, and the laws of France are not those of Belgium, or a combined European laws, these members will find out when they arrive in France, no one says you cannot own one, I said it needs to be registered and you must hold a license for ANY TYPE OF GUN, period......
Stop mentioning Europe and Belgium, whatever happen in your island does not apply to the rest of us..................

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:19 pm
by gunnery
cat. 7 : Armes et matériels en vente libre
Armes et lanceurs dont le projectile est propulsé de manière non pyrotechnique avec une énergie à la bouche comprise entre 2 et 20 joules ;

7 éme Catégorie
Armes de tir, de foire ou de salon et leurs munitions, plus carabines a air comprimé ou à gaz. Doivent être déclaré les armes capablent de produire une énergie à la bouche supérieur à dix joules. (détail) Arme 22Lr semi-automatique à magasin fixe qui ne peut contenir que deux cartouches , reste dans cette catégorie, mais doit être déclarée. Armes d’alarmes

Match air guns have less than 20 joules (they have 7,5 joules)and are free in france!!!