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2014 USAS NJOSC - Match Director UPDATE #1 - IMPORTANT

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:44 pm
by jhmartin
--> ... lletin.pdf

Of Note:
A- Since using USAS selection match scoring in the finals, the placings in the finals may not necessarily be the the same placings of the match overall results. (Same as Nationals last year)

B- Men's rifle is shooting AIR and 3-P only - no prone event.

In order to align the Junior Olympic Championships with the USA National Championships, we will be using the same athlete ranking system we have used in major competitions since May 2013. This system recognizes that with the new ISSF Rules for 2014, measuring an athlete’s ability in both the qualification match and finals match are critical in identifying the top performers.

Athlete ranking will be determined as follows:
Qualification 1 + Qualification 2 + Points for Finish in the Finals = Total points for ranking athletes
Finals Points:
After Finals Events and Points for Ranking
Place- 3P,AR,AP,SP,FP- RFP
1st- 8- 6
2nd- 7- 5
3rd- 6- 4
4th- 5- 3
5th- 4- 2
6th- 3- 1
7th- 2
8th- 1

Rule/Competition Adjustment items:

1. Air Rifle events will be scored in the decimal format.

2. Men’s 40-60-40 has been changed to a pure ISSF 40-40-40 (KN-PR-ST). We had to drop the 20
additional shots for a Prone 60 due to the two standards by ISSF for prone shooting. Pants cannot be used in the Prone 60, but can be used in the 3x40. It is now impossible to combine the two events. It is not possible to schedule a separate 60 shot Prone match during the JOSC. Men will compete in two events: 3 Position and Air Rifle.

Effective 2/19.
Tyler Anderson

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:21 pm
by COBelties
Thanks - the elimination of the prone is really sad I know William was looking forwards to it. Interesting the RMRC was shot 49-60-40 this year without issue.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:01 pm
by dand
Does "athlete ranking" mean for awards? In the past it hasn't. Actually in the past this ranking system is seldom shown. Awards are based on the finals match and members selected by way of this system are listed but not ranked. It can, and most likely will, be argued both ways. I suggest winning both days and the final then nobody can take anything away from you.

I also notice that the scheduled start time do not include the 15 min. prep and sighting time as they have at the recent national matches.


Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:36 pm
by jhmartin
dand wrote:Does "athlete ranking" mean for awards? In the past it hasn't. Dan
Yes, this includes awards, and was indeed used at the US Nationals last year, and has also been the method for selections since last May.

RE: Prep & Sighter time... I'll send a note to Tyler, there's enough extra in the schedules to accommodate. <done>

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:40 pm
by shooter'sdad
Joel, will the finals be fired as an elimination final?

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:02 pm
by jhmartin
shooter'sdad wrote:Joel, will the finals be fired as an elimination final?
Yes ... both women & men will fire the ISSF elimination final in both air & 3P.

The placing in the final will determine the "Finals Points" (8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1) added to their two qualification scores (D1 & D2) for the overall event points.

3-P Example: Day 1 - 575 || Day 2 - 576 || 5th in Final - 4 ... total overall event points = 1155

RE: Prep & sighters .... Tyler noted that at the bottom of the schedules in red is a note about changeover & prep & sighter periods.
The way to interpret it is to take the time in the schedule and back up 30 minutes. That will be when the shooters are allowed to enter ... 15 minutes before the "START" time, the prep & sighter period will begin

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:19 am
by Abi
Thanks for the updates Joel.

No men's prone?

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:37 pm
by ToddMay
So what does that do to the two National Junior Team spots that will not be available to earn by placing 1st or 2nd?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:46 am
by TNRifleman
Yea what does that mean for the two National Junior Team spots? Also this type of program change should have been emailed to the participants. The prone event can be done with out issue. Very disapointed

Re: No men's prone?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:20 am
by jhmartin
ToddMay wrote:So what does that do to the two National Junior Team spots that will not be available to earn by placing 1st or 2nd?
The four team slots - 2 Women & 2 Men are still to be awarded at JOs ... just as they were last year at the USASNC.

The 1st and 2nd place shooters will be selected by D1+D2+"Finals Points" where "Finals Points" are the 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 awarded for placement in the finals. i.e. 1st place & 2nd place in the final DOES NOT necessarily win the NJT slot. It is entirely possible to have a shooter go into the final with enough of a points buffer (i.e.8) to be eliminated early in the final and still win the event.
The key point here is 1st & 2nd in the final is NOT NECESSARILY 1st & 2nd in the event, and the slots are awarded off the event score.
TNRifleman wrote:Also this type of program change should have been emailed to the participants. The prone event can be done with out issue.
All participants in the JOs should be continuously monitoring this web page:
The Match director bulletin(s) will be posted there. The bulletin(s) can be posted during the competitions as well as spots in the range.

I can sort of see USA Shooting view of the elimination of the prone event. In the JOs it is possible to set National Records ... to have one set of rules at the JOs (pants allowed) and another at USASNCs (pants not allowed) ... note the 2 prone mens NJT slots are awarded at USASNCs ... hosting a separate event for just prone is not in the works this year due to the scheduling issues ... they would have to add another day or two to the mens schedule ...
I'd say maybe in the future if enough shooters comment positively on it ... someone should bring it up in the competitor meeting and ask if there are enough that would be interested in staying that long ... remember, mens rifle is an entire week ... how many kids can take that much more time off school (like 10-11 days if you include travel)?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:19 pm
by TNRifleman
Yes I am aware they should monitor the page and posted this on my team page several days ago.