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bullseye shooting

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:43 am
by mlaorange
this maybe wrong spot to post this but

i am trying to get info about having a bull's match once a month at our club

and called nra 2 times by phone 1 e mail 3 weeks ago yet to get a answer


Got some info off nra web site about nra tournament entry user guide

some help but lot questions still

1 cost

2 can it go for 4 to 6 months and only shoot once a month

3 it's a indoor 50 ft range ok for slow fire but on timed and rapid fire targets won't turn

4 can tournament officers be same person ( doing more then 1 job ) we are a small group 6 to 7 of us who shoot at our club 1 is vp then other 2 are and were range officers

Thank you to all who read and respond .

be safe shooting and may all your shoot's be X 's

Re: bullseye shooting

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:10 pm
mlaorange wrote:

1 cost
Approved Tournaments are $4.50 per shooter

mlaorange wrote: 2 can it go for 4 to 6 months and only shoot once a month
Sounds like you're proposing a league; if so, answer is yes.

mlaorange wrote:
3 it's a indoor 50 ft range ok for slow fire but on timed and rapid fire targets won't turn
50 foot indoor ranges do not require turning targets for leagues/approved tournaments

mlaorange wrote:
4 can tournament officers be same person ( doing more then 1 job ) we are a small group 6 to 7 of us who shoot at our club 1 is vp then other 2 are and were range officers
The Match Director can't complete. Get someone in the club who isn't shooting to perform that function

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:36 pm
by mlaorange
the thaught was members of club few would help out one week then shoot

next time

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:38 pm
by Chris
the NRA has the rule books posted and they have most of the info you asked about.

you can also go here to set up your matches

have fun...BTW there is a Bullseye section on TargetTalk

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:13 am
by mlaorange
went to that page 1st then still had questions

new to bulleye shooting wanted to get info befor talking to others about it at


thank you

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:56 am
by Misny
There is a 56 page "Tournament Operations Guide" on the NRA website that you can access online. It should answer your questions if you use it in conjunction with the appropriate rule book. You can access this information by going to and following the links, beginning with "Competitions".

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:14 am
by Mark Freedman
I am a match director in Southern California. The match director CAN compete in an approved match. The only person who can't compete is the "tournament supervisor". Put down the name of somebody in the club who's never going to have anything to do with the match.

Try running a few non-sanctioned matches first, before going through the hassle of NRA paperwork.
