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Is your RedDot a true circle dot?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:16 pm
by jabberwo
I ask because mine isn't. Brand new MatchDot. Tried all combinations of dot size and brightness settings.

I have an astigmatism, but I checked both eyes (and they have different astigmatism and still it was mildly kidney shaped) and of course I was wearing my corrective lenses.


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:32 pm
by trulyapostolic
My Aimpoint Micro's don't have round dots either. It's not an issue because I don't really look at the dot...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:27 pm
by Trooperjake
My aimpoint has a perfect circle.
My ultradots are just not as clear as the aimpoint.
Neither bothers me.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:04 pm
by Isabel1130
The dot is just a pointing device. if the out of roundness bothers you, dont look at it, look through the dot and at the target. If you cant do that then look at the dot and trust your hold to keep the barrel in the black, then focus on your triggering. The worst habit you can get into is shifting your point of vision from the dot to the target back and forth and then letting the movement you see freeze your trigger finger.
For me the dot is round in my ultradots. It is not in my aimpoint, but neither has any effect on how well I shoot.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:37 pm
by Rover

When did you last have your eyes checked? The eye doc will check your glasses for you to see that the lab hasn't screwed up the prescription. You could also not be looking through the "right" part of your lens.

If you don't want to fool wtih that, take Isabel's good advice.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:42 pm
by C. Perkins
For what it's worth.
It is not the dot, it is your eyes.
Look at the dot and rotate the scope around in a circle.
The shape you see will be the same at any degree of rotation.
If it is, then it is your eyes/ prescription.
I experimented awhile back with different old glasses that I have from 41 years of wearing them.
There are different presciptions that I have that can make the dot perfect, but I wont take the time and expence to make my dot perfect, it does not have to be and I shoot pretty well the way it is.


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:59 pm
by jabberwo
Isabel1130 wrote:The dot is just a pointing device. if the out of roundness bothers you, dont look at it, look through the dot and at the target.
I concentrate on the dot like I do my iron sights and let the target get bleary. Works for me, shot 100 in Rapid for the first time tonight with new dot on new Pardini!

When you have ghost dots its hard to ignore/wonder. Mostly I just want my dot to be as good as possible to quiet the little voices...


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:03 am
by Isabel1130
jabberwo wrote:
Isabel1130 wrote:The dot is just a pointing device. if the out of roundness bothers you, dont look at it, look through the dot and at the target.
I concentrate on the dot like I do my iron sights and let the target get bleary. Works for me, shot 100 in Rapid for the first time tonight with new dot on new Pardini!

When you have ghost dots its hard to ignore/wonder. Mostly I just want my dot to be as good as possible to quiet the little voices...

You will never quiet the little voices. There will always be distractions, whether it is the shooter next to you, the wind or the light or the shape of your dot.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:15 am
by TonyT
I have astigmatism and have found the old Tasco ProPoint to have the roundest red dot without any extraneous secondary images.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:31 am
by Levergun59
If you have astigmatism, take your sight to the eye doctor. Put in your perscription and have the eye doc add dioptors to your glasses till the dot turns round. That will also be the correct perscription for iron sights.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:00 pm
by Bob-Riegl
I don't know if I can blame that on eyes and astigmatism. I used to use the old Milletts and though they suck outdoors their dots appeared true to my astigmatic eyes. While the older Ultra dots seldom had true dots. When I buy a dot sight (now all Ultra-Dots) I remove it carefully from the packaging and test the dot on #1---#4 if the dot doesn't appear true to my eyes, back it goes for a replacement until I get what I want. In the past I had returned my Ultra-Dot to Larry Carter and he "fixed" them not replacing them. The "fixes" rarely worked and I made myself a PITA until I got a "replacement." That's my story so help me God. "Doc"