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Scopes on BE pistol

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:13 am
by bachekermooni
Is any one using them? If so, which one. I am looking to move away from the red dots and see what a different scopes make. Minnesota winters can be quite long :-)

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:03 pm
by Trooperjake
I have never seen one used at a match, local or Perry.
I would think the magnification would drive me crazy.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:05 pm
by Isabel1130
Darius Young was famous for using a scope on his pistol. TrooperJake is right, unless you have a very steady hold, the magnification will cause a lot more perceived movement. A good question might be, what do you expect the scope to do for you, that you can't do with the red dot?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:19 pm
by C. Perkins
The reason for using a red dot instead of a cross hair or what have it is that the eye likes seeing a circle on a circle.

The scope eye piece is a circle, the dot is a circle and the target is a circle, the eye and brain is happy.

I do have a Leupold 2x extented eye relief on my RSRH .44 mag.
Has a duplex heavey cross hairs to thin cross hairs in the center.
Whith 2 hands it moves around a bit too much let alone one handed.

I would stick with the red dot.


Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:09 pm
by bachekermooni
I am trying it in practice this afternoon (if the weather holds). The local matches ae done, so I can start to play. I can write a lot smaller if I use a mag glass. I thought if the movement is magnified that perhasp the brain will have more feedback to correct the motion - just a crazy thought. of course, I am still learning where on the trigger to place what part of my finger on and how to pull the trigger. I love my Hammerli 208s, but I think in BE, the trigger should be a single stage.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:27 pm
by Isabel1130
bachekermooni wrote:I am trying it in practice this afternoon (if the weather holds). The local matches ae done, so I can start to play. I can write a lot smaller if I use a mag glass. I thought if the movement is magnified that perhasp the brain will have more feedback to correct the motion - just a crazy thought. of course, I am still learning where on the trigger to place what part of my finger on and how to pull the trigger. I love my Hammerli 208s, but I think in BE, the trigger should be a single stage.
I think you made an assumption here that is not valid. That assumption is that your brain can somehow "correct" your hold to reduce motion. Your hold is what it is, and your job is to pull the trigger smoothly while your hold is good. Perceiving motion makes you do things that hurt your overall shot process. You will start getting in your own way as you either grip the gun tighter, or stop your trigger finger in response to the perceived motion.

A two stage trigger is neither bad nor good for bullseye. The problem is that it is somewhat difficult to find a gunsmith capeable of putting a good two stage trigger on a 1911. Therefore many shooters choose for consistency's sake to shoot their rimfire gun with a single stage trigger. The 208 can be adjusted to take the first stage out if you want to do that.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:47 pm
by bachekermooni
"The 208 can be adjusted to take the first stage out if you want to do that."

I would love to learn how because I have tried to no avail. I just get a very mushy trigger 8-O

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:43 pm
by TonyT
I acquired a Leupold 2X ER scope and tried it on a S&W 41. The increased magnification exagerrated the wobble and dectreased my scores. The 2X scope would be a good choice for hunting off a rest.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:24 pm
by 1911nut
bachekermooni wrote:"The 208 can be adjusted to take the first stage out if you want to do that."

I would love to learn how because I have tried to no avail. I just get a very mushy trigger 8-O
here's a few sites that might get you something:

God bless Google

Dear Bach

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:38 pm
by crankythunder
A number of years ago I read in the bullseye rulebook that scopes up to 2 power magnifications were allowed in bullseye. Well.......Since they are allowed, I figured I might as well try one! So I took my pistol scope off my hunting handgun and mounted it on my bullseye pistol to see what I could do with it. Well.........

First off, I think I liked the two power for slow fire... I cannot remember for sure but I think it improved my scores but nothing significantly.

Then when I practiced with it for timed and rapid fire I quickly realized that the two power scope was unsuited for bullseye thank you very much! I was hurried in Timed Fire and I could not re aquire the target, aim and get five shots off in 10 seconds using a two power scope.

Now there was one famous shooter that used a 2x scope in bullseye but I do not know who it is and I have not seen anything other then 1x red dots or irons on the shooting line. Maybe it would work for you but it certianly did not work for me.


Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:29 am
by bachekermooni
1911nut wrote:
bachekermooni wrote:"The 208 can be adjusted to take the first stage out if you want to do that."

I would love to learn how because I have tried to no avail. I just get a very mushy trigger 8-O
here's a few sites that might get you something:

God bless Google
Thanks. I have read all of the above and had (at some point) memorized the manual (208 s). But the fact remains that the single-stage set up of the 208s is quite a "mushy" trigger - IMHO. How has any one here done it to leave them with a crisp one?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:30 pm
by Isabel1130
If you cant get it the way you want, my advice is to either take it to a gunsmith who works on Hammerlis, or trade it for a 208 or 215 with a single stage trigger. Your other option is to make the first stage as light as you can get it, and set the second stage at 2 pounds or more, then get so familiar with it that the first stage becomes just trigger slack before you start your squeeze on the second stage.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:13 am
by Haemmerli208s
I have used a Leupold VX III 2.5-8x32 on my FA both hand for years on 25 meters competition shooting. Works great (but difficult for competition when you shoot within few seconds). Very impressive sharp and clear. With 2.5 magnification for free hand possible. Bigger magnification probably better when you can rest your gun. Maybe for hunting. Now I am keen for reddot but have not yet any experiences. Hope reddot also will be so nice like my handgun scope. If not I have to go back to open sight or scope ;-). Then I must think of a mount which could hold the scope on my Haemmerli 208s.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:41 pm
by AllAces
NRA rules 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 say telescopic sights can be used on center fire pistol or revolver; .45 caliber semi-auto or revolver; .22 caliber pistol or revolver.