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USAMU Jr Rifle Camp

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:40 am
by Roodaddy600
Jr smallbore shooters don't forget that the deadline for entry to the USAMU Jr Rifle camp is June 16th!! This is a great oppurtunity to be coached by the shooters of the United States Army Marksmanship Unit International Rifle Team, the best in the nation and the world. Follow the link for all the information on the camp.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:44 pm
by Thedrifter
O cool,

Is this just for juniors? I'm 24 and interested in such events also...

I'll look into the link more.


Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:13 pm
by Roodaddy600
Just for jrs 14-18 years old

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:52 pm
by Thedrifter
Ya I saw that, :( I looked at the page,

Is there anything for older or young adults?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:16 pm
by Roodaddy600
There's nothing we do for younger adults but i can't answer for others.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:13 pm
by Thedrifter
We? Are you with the militaey marksmen unit or army marksmen unit?

What about young adults that are also military?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:58 pm
by Roodaddy600
Yes i am with the united states army marksmanship unit. There is nothing i know of for young adults in the military.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:18 am
by BAtarget
I assume this is held at Fort Benning?

Sufficient Interest?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:23 pm
by GCSInc
If there was Sufficient Interest, something on the order of 7 - 10, we could put something together @ The Ole Mill Range Complex. We're a USA Shooting Certified Training Center

When would be a good week to hold something for 19 and up folks?

International Air Rifle, 3P Air Rifle, and / or 3P Smallbore.


(678) 772-8185 cell

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:25 am
by peterz
One of the comments above asked about training for young shooters, but not teenagers, and was told AMU has nothing. OK; I understand AMU is in part a recruiting tool. But it does highlight one problem I've found with the shooting sports: There are lots of ways to get started and to get instruction, if you are between about 12 and 18. But it seems to me that there's a fair number of adult newcomers (such as myself, but I'm surely in the upper percent or so of age) who would like to improve, even if their goals are more limited than what Russ demands.

Why can't there be something for us? Ranges even limit air gun competitions and practice at 10m to youth. I dare say, most kids could outshoot me, but I would like to have a go at it. At almost 71, I'm a lot too old to pass as a kid.

Any thoughts on solving the problem?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:08 pm
by Thedrifter
Well I found out my club is more generous than I thought they are willing to work with me, but I have to get a club membership, eh that's gonna put a dint in my ammunition funds, but it would be helpfull to have that hands on training.

Regardless there are limits to what some older folks can participate in, limited to the area also.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:18 am
by justadude
Most of these comments are directed at a few things Peterz said:
One of the comments above asked about training for young shooters, but not teenagers, and was told AMU has nothing. OK; I understand AMU is in part a recruiting tool.
Recruiting tool or not, when I was less than half my current age I attended one of the week long clinics put on by the AMU. It was very enjoyable and I learned and reinforced a lot. There is nothing like a week of shooting under the critical eye of folks who do this for a living.
But it does highlight one problem I've found with the shooting sports: There are lots of ways to get started and to get instruction, if you are between about 12 and 18. But it seems to me that there's a fair number of adult newcomers (such as myself, but I'm surely in the upper percent or so of age) who would like to improve, even if their goals are more limited than what Russ demands.
Working backwards on this statement, I have read some of Russ' posts and comments. We all have to work within our limitations and what life will allow us for recreational time. Russ' "demands" do a lot to take the fun out of recreational competitive shooting.

Many decades ago there were more adult leagues where the members of the league helped each other along, and there was a significant social aspect. The junior clubs have much more of a adult coach-junior shooter hierarchy. Many times the adult coaches are parents of the shooters and when their son or daughter moves on from the program so do they. Regardless of the experience level of the coach, they are willing to put in the time to help their child and their child's friends but not so much other adults.
Why can't there be something for us? Ranges even limit air gun competitions and practice at 10m to youth.
For practice time, this is unusual, as a junior I shared the range with some excellent adult shooters and as an adult I have usually been welcomed on a range reserved for a junior club with the stipulation that I could be kicked off my point if there are more juniors than points. (Side note: I have never been kicked off my point.) Clearly every program has their policies and you might ask what your presence on the line is hurting. Depending on the club situation a modest donation to club coffers may help grease the skids.
Any thoughts on solving the problem?
This part could turn into a large philosophical discussion, and there would be no one size fits every region answer.

Best of Luck