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Kneeling help

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:39 pm
by OldBullShooter
I've rekindled my shooting passion after a 22 year hiatus. I'm really happy with my results and have been shooting in any competition that I can get to.

My positions have typically been sound. In kneeling, before what I outline below, I would shoot an average of 96 (out of 100). Over the past year, I've been buying stuff. My latest purchase was a pair of Gehmann shooting trousers. My offhand has improved, but my kneeling has become worse.

What is happening is that I've played around with the zippers, and belt, of the trousers and am able to get into position comfortably enough. However, when I bring my rifle up, I am feeling a lot more sway in my upper body than I had previously. Prior to wearing the trousers, I had a pretty strict 3 o'clock (left knee at 12, right knee at 3). With the trousers, I manage, at best a 1 o'clock position. I'm thinking that that narrow a base is causing the sway.

Before replying with "ditch the trousers", I'll say I don't want to. Perhaps its practice or more experimentation, but thought I'd post to see if anyone has any other ideas.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:50 pm
by WesternGrizzly
When I shoot kneeling, this is how I set up my pants: I zip both zippers all the way down on both legs so they are only connected at the very bottom, I leave the waist completely open, and get onto position without the coat or rifle. I then work on getting my position perfect without the rifle, then I zip up the left zipper a few inches, it seems to help stablize the knee.

I have just recently "found" my position. My hold has become a lot smaller, and I shot my first 100 at the JORC.

Try that, it may help.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:34 pm
by WarWagon
Sounds a bit obvious, but try hiking your pants way up as you kneel down into position. If the crotch area is binding you up, look into having some stretch lycra sewn in place. I find two major causes of sway in kneeling - the position of the right knee being too close to 12 o'clock, and the angle of the left knee and foot being incorrect.


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:51 pm
by OldBullShooter
Thanks to both of you. I'll try the different configs you describe. I think it's pretty clear that the right knee is not out wide enough, like it was in plain old jeans.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:58 am
by WesternGrizzly
I have found that I have a very steady position when the knee is fairly tight, but it is quite finicky. If I don't get my position perfect that way, my balance will need room for improvement, and my side to side sway increases. But when I get it right, it is a solid hold. Since finding this out about myself, I have opened up a little bit, but am still fairly tight.
Most shooters shoot with the right zipper all the way up, but I don't like sitting on the zipper, so I run it to the bottom.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:59 am
by WesternGrizzly
Also, maybe your long break could have something to do with it.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:49 pm
by OldBullShooter
Worked it out (during a match...) last week. Adjusting the zippers (all the way down, as recommended) and hiking up the pants (a PITA as we sometimes shoot on a raised bench vs. the floor; have got to climb up and then sort of tug your drawers up...) did help get me back to the 3pm position (right leg at 3' and left at 12). But there were other adjustments to make. I ended up moving my left foot forward a couple of inches and also moved the toe to the right. I found this augmented the support from the leg position and also helped my left elbow maintain a consistent position on my knee.

Lesson learned: any equipment change requires time to figure out all implications.

Good news, though; did clean kneeling that night!

Thanks for the support.