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Huge turnout for Wisconsin Biathlon festival

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:26 am
by Levergun59
Kudos for Paul LeBlanc and the rest of the biathlon crew at McMiller Shooting Range near Eagle Wisconsin last Sunday. We had 149 enteries with 98 novice participants. The weather was excellent with about 4" of new snow and 30* temps. A lot of youth and junior skate skiiers from all over the State, plus quite a few from Illinois. The novice skiiers were impressive and fast over slow snow conditions although they did a few penalty laps. Anyways I think we all had a great time and the raffle drawing and prizes at the end of the competition was a big hit also. Have to feel good about the sport and it's growing popularity in this area of the country.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:43 pm
by Craig1956
That is great news ! There is a cool srticle in the new Cross Country Skier magazine ( Jan / Feb issue ) about biathlon here in Northern California and Maine .