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Must have a screw loose . . .

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:08 pm
by Wiley-X
I moved about six years ago and never got around to finding a new place to shoot. One of the local recreation departments offers a "target shooting class" so I figured that it might be a good way to blow off the cobwebs.

I found the IZH-35M down in the basement, bought new batteries for the dot sight, dug out some target ammo and off to school I went. The class is a mixture of rank newbies and folks who just want someplace to shoot in the winter.

As can be expected, I'd gotten rusty and it took a few weeks before I was putting them all in the black (okay, there's the occassional flyer) but I was pretty happy.

Then last week nothing was hitting the black. My groups weren't groups and most shots were going high and right. Fatigue? Job stress?

This week, I started off the same way, high and right so I started fiddling with the dot sight to no avail. Then something in my memory clicked. . . .

I dug out my tools and started tightening the shroud screws. They were all about ready to fall out. For those who don't know, the scope mounts to the barrel shroud on this gun and the shroud is held in place by three screws. I had forgotten that I needed to tighten the shroud screws every week.

Back in the black.

Everyone had a good laugh about me having a "screw loose."

To answer the unasked question, I tried Loctite years ago but the screws stll worked their way loose. Maybe there's too much space between the threads.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:50 pm
by Tzed250
Did you use the screws I sent you?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:25 pm
by paulo
I use teflon tape and they still move.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:48 pm
by Wiley-X
Tzed250 wrote:Did you use the screws I sent you?
Yep. Hey! I'll blame you. My next call is to my lawyer to see if we can file suit for damages to reputation and public embarassment. Ought to be able to get at least $20 out of that. :-)

I wonder if this is related to those QC issues that I hear about with IZH pistols. Maybe the tap was worn so the holes are just a tad oversized.