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Difference between Hammerli 208 & international

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:30 pm
by ebrem

I am puzzled, I thought that the Hammerli 208 is the Hammerli International, one in the same.
I was reading where it was stated they are completely different.
Can someone please HELP and clarify this for me.

Thank You in Advance.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:32 am
by Shooting Kiwi
Hammerli certainly called their model 208 and 211 'International': it says just that on the factory booklet. It's possible that the 'International' got dropped for the 208S version. However, I think a predecessor was also called the International. Sorry, can't find an authoritative reference just now.

Hammerli 208 vs International

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:40 am
by mr_savvy
I own both a 208S and an "international" The International is a slightly different gun. It has a push button mag release on the left side of the frame and the barrel weights etc. are slightly different, but overall, the guns are very similar and both are extremely accurate, have great triggers, and both shoot far better than I do and I'm an NRA expert. I like the International better because of the mag release and it's a bit heavier and easier for me to hold.

Hammerli 208 vs International

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:48 am
by mr_savvy
I own both a 208S and an "international" The International is a slightly different gun. It has a push button mag release on the left side of the frame and the barrel weights etc. are slightly different, but overall, the guns are very similar and both are extremely accurate, have great triggers, and both shoot far better than I do and I'm an NRA expert. I like the International better because of the mag release and it's a bit heavier and easier for me to hold.