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Falling scores

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:34 am
by mikejkd
I can typically shoot in the mid to high 80's in slow fire but lately my scores are down into the high 70's. Every shot is in the black but my grouping in=s non existent. I haven't changed anything and my timed and rapid are still in the mid to high 90's. I don't understand what happened or what I changed in my technique(or lack of) to make this happen. Any ideas?

Re: Falling scores

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:27 am
by Fred Mannis
mikejkd wrote:I can typically shoot in the mid to high 80's in slow fire but lately my scores are down into the high 70's. Every shot is in the black but my grouping in=s non existent. I haven't changed anything and my timed and rapid are still in the mid to high 90's. I don't understand what happened or what I changed in my technique(or lack of) to make this happen. Any ideas?
Are you sure you are maintaining focus on your front sight? Do you have a mental image of a perfectly sharp front sight as and just after the gun fires? Are you still able to correctly call your shots? The fact that your T/R scores are unchanged points me in that direction.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:48 am
by Guest
Mike are you using iron sights or are you using a dot? Do you shoot your slow fire the same as your first shot in timed and rapid fire? If you are using a dot is it settling or it is wobbling a lot when you pull the trigger? Are you shooting at a different time of day? For some reason I find that I shoot much better in the evening than in the morning or the afternoon. Don't know why. There are so many factors; why don't you give us some more information? Is this a problem with all your guns or only one? Isabel

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:09 pm
by Guest
I am thinking I am looking at my dot and try to concentrate on doing so. League night is at night so I do my practicing at the same time. My dot does wobble after settling but nothing outside the 8 ring usually and I don't really concentrate on the wobble so much as pulling the trigger steadily and consistently after the settle. I just don't know why the change happened in the last couple of weeks. Must be just bad times shooting I guess.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:45 pm
by mikejkd
that's my post above me I guess I wasn't logged in

post subject

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:39 pm
by 2650 Plus
Let me add one more supposiiton,. Have you by any chance gotten careful and slowed your progression through the shot sequence7 Our top shooters have a consistancy in the way they deliver a shot and there is very little varaition from shot to shot. The firing of three or more shots in the center of the target seems to trigger a slowing of the shot delivery technique, [ Getting careful] As some wise man once said,'Just shoot the damed thing" Good Shooting Bill Horton

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:45 pm
by Guest
I have been back shooting about a year. I had never shot with a dot before starting up again last spring. I find I tend to have more wobble than I want when I first start shooting slow fire but I tighten up as the time goes on. Had a few flyers out of the black last night, but by the final two targets I was pretty much holding the nine ring by the last two targets. I have found over the last year that I was only comfortable shooting a big bright dot but now I am on the smallest dot and only about a three or a four in brightness. I went to the Zins clinic two weeks ago in Richmond. My hold is getting better and so is my trigger control. 2650 Plus is right. You are probably slowing down your sequence and starting to get wobble before you pull the trigger. The other possibility is that you are jerking a little when you see that perfect sight picture. Don't get too down on yourself. Remember, if it were easy they would have to put the targets a lot further away. :-)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:04 pm
by mikejkd
"Put the targets farther away" now that made me laugh. I think I might be slowing down as someone suggested. I find it is taken me 7 minutes to get them off now before it was around 5 but I was shooting well in the 7 minute range for a while also. Looks like I have something to work on this weekend.