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Training with a single shot air pistol

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:34 pm
by idpadan
Please excuse the elementary nature of the question but I am just beginning to participate in local bullseye matches. I am considering the purchase of a single shot air pistol (Izh-46) but cannot figure out how it can be used to fire timed and rapid fire strings. Do most people use these guns for slow fire training? What type of competition are they suitable for? Thanks, Dan

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:59 pm
by Bill Poole
a few companies make 5-shot air pistols

you can use a single shot for olympic style air pistol or for training for slow fire stages, you could train with a time limit on that one shot, and of course anything that helps you learn position, sight alignment, trigger control and follow thru will help other pistol shooting.

Personally I think dry firing your bullseye/ std pistol gun will be as good as, perhaps better training than cross-training with the air pistol.


Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:52 pm
by Fred Mannis
The IZH-46 is also very popular with people who shoot air pistol silhouette. Quite different from Bullseye and Olympic 10meter air pistol. You might enjoy it :-)

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:27 pm
by boris
While IZH 46M is a great entry level pistol for 10M or Silhouette shooting, it may not be well suited for BE training because of the trigger requirements.
The BE required minimum 2lb trigger pull weight, that may be out of adjustment range of IZH 46M. Steyr LP5 or LP50 (5 shot) with optional 2-6lb trigger may be better choice for BE.