Has anyone manged to install the Scatt software on a Windows Vista computer yet. Just got a new computer and can not get the Scatt software to work. It just locks up the computer. Have tried the new software version and it doesn't work either. Even on the XP machine it needed the disc to install the target and sensors.
Thanks Fred
Scatt and Vista
Moderators: pilkguns, m1963, David Levene, Spencer, Richard H
Are you using the newest version 5.36?
get it here http://www.centershot.com
You must install the drivers from the disk regardless of the install program. the latest version is 2.03.
get it here http://www.centershot.com
You must install the drivers from the disk regardless of the install program. the latest version is 2.03.
Tried to install the disc first, then run 5.36 version does not find the sensor or the target and locks up. Also tried to run just the 5.36 version and that didnt work either. always restored to a before point before trying to install. When get it to start practice session just locks up without finding the sensor or target. And have to manually turn off computer as can not close the priogram , even with task manager. A couple times the computer found the add ons, but then when tried to run program the scatt program did not find them and locked up.