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Question regarding the Pardini SP New

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:25 pm
by usmcmba
Hi everyone!

I hope someone can help me on some questions regarding the Pardini SP new in which I have ordered but not yet received.

1. Does anyone know the bore diameter of the SP as I would like to try some of the Lapua Midas and need whether to get the L or the M.

2. I have heard the Pardini SP can go from a crisp to a “roll trigger” by simply adjusting the trigger mechanism without any pistol smith work, is this true? (as opposed to 1911’s in which I am more familiar with, you do need to send to gunsmith for some work to go from crisp to roll trigger).

On a side note, I am relatively new to shooting .22 with anatomical grips (have shot 1911’s for many many years). Are there any advice on the gripping the pistol, or anything else that maybe different than shooting a .45. Would one still have to have a firm tight grip on a .22 as same as .45? (I always learned that the firm tight grip is mostly for recoil control especially on .45, don’t know if it makes any difference on a .22).

Thank you very much for any information anyone can provide!


Shooting the Pardini SP

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:18 pm
by 2650 Plus
Unlike the 1911 with service loads you really dont have to squese the oil out of the stock to shoot this pistol well. The only other comment I would feel comfortable making is about the grips. I advise doing what ever you have to do to make sure the grips really fit. If they do not you will probably find the pardini a real paon to shoot up to your standard. Good Shooting Bill Horton

Re: Question regarding the Pardini SP New

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:10 pm
by Fred Mannis
usmcmba wrote:
2. I have heard the Pardini SP can go from a crisp to a “roll trigger” by simply adjusting the trigger mechanism without any pistol smith work, is this true? (as opposed to 1911’s in which I am more familiar with, you do need to send to gunsmith for some work to go from crisp to roll trigger).
Attached is some info I have collected over the years on adjusting the Pardini trigger

Oops, system is not allowing me to upload these pdf files.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:01 pm
by Hugo
I own a Pardini SP New for a year now and believe me: you can adjust the trigger any way you like. Just wait untill it arrives and read the manual carefully, it's all there. As far as grips are concerned, the factory supplied grips are great, no need to modify anything as long as you ordered the right size (L, M or S). I recently purchased a .45 and I must admit it's a totally different experience: lots of recoil! With the Pardini you won't have to be concerned with that factor, just hold the pistol in a relaxed way and enjoy shooting. In fact the recoil isn't that much heavier than a powerfull airpistol!
