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Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:34 pm
by MarkR
Wonder if the High Noon is still running - haven't heard much of it lately. For many of us postals are the only "match" format regularly available.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:52 pm
by Slo cat
Hi Mark,
High Noon participation seems to be fading, and I wish more would send in their scores.

I did see the name of an Aussie shooter who participates and is also going on the Pilkington Germany tour, and I hope to meet him.

Hope to see you at the 3X air match in December.

Best Regards,
Slo cat

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:24 pm
by MarkR
Yep, plan to be there for the Sat. and Sun. matches - can't make the Friday one.

Perhaps if we helped to spread the word about the great job that Grzegorz does for the High Noon, we can get the participation back to what it was a few years ago! It is a nice match.



Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:05 pm
by Knoepfle
MarkR wrote:Yep, plan to be there for the Sat. and Sun. matches - can't make the Friday one.

Perhaps if we helped to spread the word about the great job that Grzegorz does for the High Noon, we can get the participation back to what it was a few years ago! It is a nice match.

Is there an address or a link to this "High Noon" postal match you could post? My club does not hold matches so I'm interested.

Thank you,

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:53 pm
by Ed Hall

A bi-weekly short match

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:39 am
by Bill177
A fun match requiring only 20 shots is the AGI 20/20. It gives a good record of your progress, while not taking a lot of time.

Info at:

Participation has started to grow once again and some new names are appearing.

Just remember, not everyone is a 590+ shooter. The idea is just to get out there and shoot - AND ENJOY!

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:04 am
by Ed Hall
Here's one more postal match you might want to check out as well:

Take Care,
Ed Hall

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:47 pm
by joe4702
I just started shooting the postal match mentioned in Ed Hall's post ( I'm new to this and my scores are completely embarassing, but it's fun and nice to be able to shoot without leaving home. I will check out the other matches mentioned.


HIGH NOON Postal Competition, reactivation

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:42 am
by Grzegorz Gladyszewski

I have just updated the High Noon Postal Competition score boards... I know, I know... veeeery late. But ... "better late than never", as we say...
Sorry! Anyway it works and I welcome you to this postal - submit your score according to the rules given on the High Noon PC home page:

October results (up to now):


Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:14 am
by durant7
My crappy score is in after a two year hiatus...and junky pellets. I would encourage us all to support the hard work Grzegorz puts in and shoot as many different disciplines as possible and get more scores in. The more participants the more interesting.

But, perhaps the good shooters already have a strong training program and can't be bothered by a postal? Guess I am just a wanna be. 511 is my best in a real match. Can't fathom the amount of time and prep it would take to get to a 590! To those that can do it, my hat is off to you! I just compete against myself but it is fun to see where you fall and how others improve.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:59 am
by Alex L
Yes, High Noon is still going. We enter it regularly.

I mainly shoot at Club level now, with as many Open shoots as I can, but I find the Postal matches keep me working, and I only need to shoot each match once a month. I find this more convenient.

We have also entered the Canadian Postal Match, which is also free, and it maintains our competitive edge.

The Postal competitions give you a goal for each month, and makes a personal commitment.

Any old shooters, of my age group, should continue to stay competitive, and actually it gives me some preparation for the World masters Games which will be held in Sydney, Oz, next time. I want to make sure I give my best.

How about some of you guys save up, and come to Oz for it. We will meet you there, and guarantee you a great time.

Regards, Alex