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Any 10 meter in New Jersey USA

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:30 pm
by darticus
Would like to have a 10 meter range in NJ.In North NJ where I live we have deer, turkey, bear, wild cat etc. in our back yards during the day.Many hunters but no ranges for 10 meter etc.If your in whats called North Jersey on the news etc. and don't have wild animals in your yard your not really in the north of the state but central.Look at a map. Regardless, can't we get a range for the sport here?Maybe some sponsers?Anyone interested? Everyone shooting shotguns but no practice or training! WELL MAYBE JUST SHOOT!

Possibly in Glen Rock

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:00 pm
by Norm
Dave Lange, of Glen Rock NJ, is rumoured to be doing some international style matches in NJ. Otherwise, the Binghamton Pistol Club in NYS is probably the closest thing around. You could find his address on NJPistol. He's married to the webmistress, who' a fair decent shot herself.

In central NJ, we have a few 10 meter air pistol matches at Citizens near Princeton Junction or farther south in Gibbsboro at Square Ceiclr Sportsman's Club. Admittedly, both are bullseye oriented, but have a few AP matches.


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:01 pm
by Fred Mannis

Citizens, Square Circle, and Del State Pistol all run monthly AP and FP matches during the Fall & Winter. Schedules will be posted on the NJPistol web site, or check the club web sites. Bit of a drive for you, but we have people come from as far as Long Island, Maryland and Virginia for the DSP matches. Riverdale did run a few Int'l matches last year and I expect they will do so again.


Great info!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:01 pm
by darticus
Thanks guys! Would really like to find something closer so I wouldn't be falling asleep when I got there.Maybe will be lucky and find something closer or maybe I'll try the trip.Thanks Ron

Re: Great info!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:00 pm
by wolskyr
Hi Ron,

My club decided to change the "members only" rule at our monthly meeting this evening. I will be looking into hosting Air Pistol matches in Port Jervis, NY this winter.

-- Rob W.
-- Poconos, PA
darticus wrote:Thanks guys! Would really like to find something closer so I wouldn't be falling asleep when I got there.Maybe will be lucky and find something closer or maybe I'll try the trip.Thanks Ron

Air pistol meets in Pennsylvania

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:45 pm
by Antoni Scott
I live in Mount Bethel, Pa ( near the Delaware Water Gap) and would like to get invloved in air pistol matches.

Antoni Scott